Jumping tutorials: Equipment jumping - Jumping off of equipment allowing you to basically do a double jump. Difficulty: 2/10 (but is much more difficult if you are not host.) Requirments and such: These jumps can only be done with the following equipment, Radar jammer, Power drain, flare, deployable cover and trip mine. In order to do these it helps a lot to be host. For the flare and the radar jammer it is much easier to do as a human and it helps to me an elite when it comes to power drains. Power drainers and trip mines are the only equipment in matchmaking at the moment, so keep that in mind as well. To do an equipment jump: Host: Look straight down and jump. While at the peek of your jump quickly press X and jump off your equipment. Not host: Look down at a 45 degree angle and jump. While at the peek of your jump quickly press X and jump off your equipment. Picture: Spoiler Useful places to use this: To get behind the Blackout lift room S2 into top room on The Pit Now you know how to do it, go find some more. :-D Blaze's thread index
Good guide, although you do not need to be host to do equipment jumps. It just makes it easier if you're host. Yeah, so that's why a lot of HLGers are elites, it lets them use equipment as a shortcut to getting into their spots. But hey, I always found it easier to grenade jump into the upper story on the bases of The Pit.
EDITED! Which of these should I do next? boost/slant jumping wall tap over ghost toe ghosting over jump edge ghost curve slide/high jump rubble/object ramp/bump save jumps core jumps Crouch ghost wall jump buddy jump butterfly jump late jump Or How to do a specific useful tactical jump I'll also do hiding spots as well if you want me too, just tell e a map and I'll pick the best spot for the most voted map or something. Idc. lol
No they are mostly elites because that is what a person who would a) do HLG or b) Write HLG in there name would be like because usually elites are noobs who think they look cool, like spartans with hayabusa.
Think a bit. If you're an elite, you are better at power drain jumping over radar jammers and flares. Now think about which equipment is generally in MM. Yeah, it's a power drain. Flares are not found anywhere, and radar jammers are only on Last Resort (which includes a grav lift anyways). Use your knowledge to your advantage. It pays off. I don't play as an elite because it's impractical for me to get sniped around a corner that I can't even see (your head sticks out).
ALL OF THEM!!! Make a super guide with everything you know. It will probably take you a ton of time, but it could help out a lot of people.
Begin with Wall tap, that has always intruiged me. (I haven't read the full list. It's 5:30 am and I haven't slept yet.. What the hell am I doing browsing FH at the moment?...)
I'll think up one for wall tap. I know how to do it and explain but I'm not quite sure where a useful spot is to do it.
yea make a thread with every type of jump and a guide how to do it as for this guide very good, ill try it 4.7/5