Compound Delta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SirSquishie, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
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    Compound Delta
    Created by SirSquishie
    Supported Gametypes:
    - Customly tweaked SWAT variant, to allow radar jammer, custom power-up, etc. to be used. Linked Below.
    - Any team slayer variant.
    - Any infection variant.
    - Any oddball variant.
    Map Description
    This is a spiritual remake of Rendition for those that may remember playing that. I started tweaking things based on the advice I was given in the other thread and shortly thereafter decided to rebuild from the ground up.

    This is a completely symmetrical, budget-glitched map, right down to the fusion coils. Each team has their own base, that contains a trip mine, a bubble shield, and a radar jammer. Outside the base, a flare spawns as well. Players have three options when leaving their respective bases. They can take the low road, the high road, or the fast road. The low road is the bottom floor, with many right angles and fence walls, adrenaline-filled battles are sure to ensue. The high road is the top floor. It is smaller than the bottom floor, and has only a spatter of cover, and a bridge to connect to the other side of the map. The fast road is simply a teleporter that takes you to the back corner of your opponents side of the map. This allows a flanking attempt to easily be made, when your opponents have you pinned down. Their are fusion coils littered in strategic places throughout the map that allow big explosions to be a big part of the battle, even without grenades, and next, the custom power-up.

    It spawns in a fencebox high up on the wall that splits foundry down the middle. It lasts for fifteen seconds, and boosts your radar to 25m, gives you good camo, and normal shielding, as well as turning you black to suggest that you are Black Ops. There are six fusion coils inside this box, as well as two teleporters to allow access from either side of the map. One bullet into a fusion coil is all it takes to kill someone you happen to see inside the box. To get into the box, each side of the map has a teleporter on the second floor, which takes you to a short tunnel with another teleporter. This teleporter takes you to the box. Going through the other teleporter in the box takes you to another tunnel, and then to the other side of the map. I recommend only two teams for any game, unless you play free for all.

    There are no, I repeat, NO, weapons on this map. I was planning on setting it up to support weapons, but there are so many things on this map that Forge wouldn't allow me to put anything else on it, even with the budget glitch. So just like Rendition, if you want different weapons you have to change the starting weapon. Last thing to mention is the vehicles.

    The second level of the wall is a series of fence boxes that have vehicles inside. These vehicles are intended for aesthetic purposes, although, if you have vehicle usage turned on, players are able to phase through the box and get into some of them. Usage is turned off in my SWAT Variant so you don’t need to worry about that, but if you don't turn it off in any gametypes you create people will be able to get out of the map and exploit the vehicles that are there.

    Placed on Map
    Respawn Rate

    Custom Power-up​


    Bubble Shield​

    Radar Jammer​

    Trip Mine​

    Overview of map from back left corner.
    Same picture with the second floor deleted.
    Overview of the outside of one of the bases.
    And again with the top floor deleted.
    Red loses to blue while back-up arives from above.
    This could be you if your too obvious when going for the custom power-up.
    Getting blinded by a flare usually leads to a painful death.
    An explosion takes out an unsuspecting blue.
    A glimpse of one of the empty hallways where each team initially spawn.
    Inside one of the tunnels, on their way to the power-up.
    A view of the equipment room. Each team has one.
    Outside each base lies a flare and a teleporter.
    Thanks to my friends who helped test this map, and I would just like to emphasize two points once more.

    1. Make sure that you turn vehicle usage off under base player traits for any and all games you decide to play, unless you want people to
    get over there.
    2. Make sure that you set starting weapons to what you intend to use, as there are no weapons on the map.

    Other than that, Thanks for playing and I hope you enjoy Requiem. Let me know what you think.
    Download Compound Delta
    Download Delta-SWAT

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Requiem

    how come there are two requiems?
  3. ferrari504

    ferrari504 Ancient
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    Re: Requiem

    This looks like an amazing map...ill download it tomorrow and hopefully give you some positove feedback!
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Re: Requiem

    How come you decided to not place any weapons on the map? Was it by choice, or did you run out of money?
  5. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Re: Requiem

    No weapons = No good


    I know it sucks to have a great map and run out of space,trust me,i've been there. But not having weapons on the map REALLY restricts what players do on it. Going through the trouble of choosing a starting weapon everytime you play will quickly get old.

    Also, I just recently posted a map with the same name. You should change it to avoid confusion.

    Other than that, the map looks cool,I may download.
  6. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
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    Re: Requiem

    Thanks for all the positive feedback guys. I really hope you're enjoying the map!

    I describe exactly what happened in my original description. I used the budget glitch, assuming that I would have an endless supply of money, and only the maximum number of anything possible as a limitation, but as I'm placing spawn points I get a message that there were too many of that item on the map, so I couldn't place any more. Knowing I had 2 spawn points left out of the 100 I was allowed, I tried spawning another crate, and got the same message, then with a fence box, etc, etc. So what happened was, due to all of the 'scenery' on my map, Forge wouldn't let me place anything else at all, not one single thing. The map is completely full. I really wish I could place weapons, but I'll tell you why I don't think it's that big of a deal in a second.

    I changed the name of the map, what are the odds, huh? I really liked the name, but you did get it up here first, so its yours, anyway on to the weapons. In Halo CE there was a map named prisoner. Though I played the map with my friends on a regular basis, none of us would be able to tell you any of the weapons on the map, because we always took them off and set the starting weapons. Mostly we played Rockets, which I think would work really well on my map as well.

    I designed this map as first and foremost, a SWAT map, and a SWAT map doesn't need any weapons. In my opinion, this is a map that is going to be a lot more entertaining if the tables are balanced. SWAT, Rockets, Infection, etc. These types of games usually have weapons designated before the match starts, and they are the types I think would work best on my map.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Re: Requiem

    I had the same problem on one of my maps as well. But I was forced to remove fusion coils, crates and other unnecessary aesthetic touches to fit in the weapons I wanted. It sucked I had to sacrifice certain aspects of the map, but I had to do it to make the map more playable. You may want to go back and remove a few aesthetic pieces so you are able to place weapons in the map.
  8. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
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    Alright, everything has officially been changed over. So Requiem is no longer attacehed to this in any way.

    I may reconsider the weapons. I'll look at the map and see what I can remove without altering gameplay too much. But for now I'm gonna leave it the way it is.

    It's a lot of fun to play games where you don't have to worry about weapon pick-up sometimes. Rockets, Snipers, SWAT, most Infection games, etc. These can all be played well on my map.
  9. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I honestly can't tell much about the map by the screens.
  10. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
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    Knowing that the map is completely symmetrical in all aspects, the first four pictures coupled with the shot of the back hallway and the equipment room give you a complete overview of the entire map. Really, it does. I promise. Does anyone else not see this? I can add some screenshots or change some or something if it really is difficult to get an idea.

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