Bah... You're going to get this problem everywhere. If you can't beat em, join em ;D Honestly though, your as bad as the people moaning about the need of interlocking. By creating this video you are just provoking an arguement which has already been fought many times. The truth is the truth - not everyone will listen. I've seen your map (The Banshee race one) and I know it's not necessary for interlocking. Yes, it's a little sloppy, but that's the thing that draws people in like a magnet these days. It's an excuse to just write a map post regarding only this issue. So I'd just stop the moaning and live with it. By the way, you're certain to get spammy comments on your video - but you've only brought that on yourself. There's nothing wrong with being British (I am too) but a kids voice is prone cause some flare.
Okay, let's go over THE STORY: Bungie made Halo 3, and the hype about forge was killed when everyone realised it was, for a lack of a better word, ****. You had to edit Bungie-created maps, you could not create your own maps, the largest object you could place was a container on Last Resort, and every object was movable. Also your editor has a physical form and so is affected by the movement of objects that are spawned and Bungie made forge completely physics-based. Then in December, Foundry came along. Movable objects were still there, but large immovable objects were avaqilable to us. this was good until we noticed that Bungie's artist development crew had done a bit of sabotage on the map; they had included a skirting around the ceiling and doorways, and two great big ****-off cranes sticking out of the ceiling, both the perfect size to not have anything fit in them. Luckily someone discovered interlocking. Interlocking meant that the stupid gaps that appeared between immovable objects could be erased effectively, and maps no longer had huge bumps and dips in them. Later more discoveries were made; such as geomerging, which allowed people to work around the stupid scenery such as the crane that Bungie's artists had insisted on including; and the infinite money glitch meant that we could make more stuff in one map. So, using glitches, we have effectively improved a frankly awful and hopeless map creator. And also, the MM infection map Haunted Manor (Made by our very own oO SLiK Oo) includes interlocking. The only glitch that Bungie has admitted to not liking is the infinite money glitch as it can cause lag and flickering objects. If you're not willing to put the time and effort into your maps, then you won't get the responses (or the downloads) you want from them.
FIRST! Yeah, anyways now that I got this aside, let's discuss the importance of interlocking, shall we? Interlocking lets us remove the majority of bumps in our maps. I'm sure you've played a map that wasn't interlocked before, it felt sloppy, and it was very stale gameplay. Not only that, but interlocking stops the map from looking blocky, objects flow fluidly one to the other letting us create unique structures to give our maps some flare. Really, how often do you see a map featured today that doesn't have any interlocking? Maybe every time The Lazy Mapmaker's Contest comes around.
Interlocking is not important at all. Listen, if a map plays well and has some nice aesthetics it could be featured, who cares if it was interlocked? Even though it is recomended to interlock everything so that grendaes don't fall through floors and you dont have thousands of bumps everywhere, it is not needed. Post a map that plays very well. The FH tards will come in and spam the thread about it "N33ding moar interlokkzzzzz 1/100000000000000000000000000". Do you know what to do? Ignore the comment and report the post, because there is a specialized infraction for just such a post - Bad Review. PS: That video made you look like a fool, sorry to say.
I agree with everyone else. Interlocking isn't important, but it makes the map look nice. I barely interlock in my maps, there are only a few times i do. Making this video was pointless, because people have said this so many times. If someone only comments on your map saying that it's not interlocked, just do what Bluejayfan said and report them
Interlocking is a major part of gameplay when deciding a map. If theres a hole in the floor and my and goes down it causing no damage whatsoever, the map will be in my eyes worse gameplay wise. If I'm running along a floor and can't shoot correctly because my Spartan is bouncing around, gameplay is affected. Seriously just stop being lazy and interlock, you'll gain respect for it.
Interlocking = smoothness. Smoothness = Better gameplay. Therefore, interlocking = better gameplay. Also, interlocking = cool structures. Cool structures = interesting gaming experience. Therefore, interlocking = interesting gaming experience.
Its only the morons that think difficulty in building the map makes it a good map that judge entirely interlocking. Just ignore them.
I have been on the edge of making my own youtube "ownage" videos. I mean, everyone keeps telling me that I need to. I would like to think of this video as my final "push" off that edge. Thanks for the inspiration!
Yyzyyz, you are an idiot. I'm not the type of person who likes to insult others, but you are honestly ridiculous. If you want us off of your backs, get off of the forums. Why would you even post that? Interlocking without good gameplay = suck. Good gameplay without interlocking = suck. Good gameplay WITH interlocking = win. They are both very important. Interlocking allows you do do SO much more, and it makes things smooth. Bumpiness isn't good for gameplay at all. It also keeps grenades from slipping through the gaps, which means fairer, consistent gameplay. Learn to interlock if you have any intention of creating a successful map. On the other hand, you shouldn't be so concerned with interlocking that you forget about the gameplay. Good gameplay should be accomplished through good use of interlocking. For example: You know the terrible map Smashed that appears in MM? Someone here at FH (sorry, I can't remember who) remade the map, but interlocked a lot of things. The map is sooo much better than the MM version of Smashed. EDIT: Oh, Here it is. It's called Smashed FRESH.