Antiquity By Doog Nit Recommended Players: 4-8 Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, KotH, Oddball Doog's latest competitive map, Antiquity, is definitely one that deserves your full attention. This two-base, symmetrical, 3-storied map boasts a spectacular design that complements Slayer and Objective variants very well in both FFA and Team-based capacities. Each base, both 2 stories tall, offers great lines of sight without being too overpowering, and the open spaces between the bases are complemented masterfully by narrow tunnels in the lower sections connecting each base with each other and the rest of the map. A map that shines in short to mid-range battles, Antiquity does a great job of promoting movement throughout the map with the 3 power items (Beam Rifle, Missile Pod, and Active Camo) lining the middle of the map. In addition to some rock solid gameplay, Antiquity also boasts some impressive geometry. Doog's use of the Tin Cups and their respective flags, along with the three large light towers give the map a certain aura that's hard to forget, and the complex, yet intuitive geometry creates some memorable battles. Combine that with an incredible aesthetic, and you've truly got yourself a top-notch map. A well-deserved feature and a well-deserved Premium, Doog. Congrats! Download Antiquity View Original Forge Hub Thread for More Information
I played this map a while ago before the maps came out to the public. Aside from the aesthetic quality of the map, which is, needless to say, incredible. The design provided for excellent flow and gameplay. the juxposition two elevated bases had a feel of a great long range battle map. EDIT: lul inb4 swarm
Antiquity is one of the first few sandbox maps that impressed me a lot. It's also the first map I have seen that mixed the red and blue lights to make a purple light. Lol. Haven't played here yet but I sure want to. The design looks a bit complex and the structures look so carefully placed. Congrats on both the feature and the premium, Doog. I never doubted you.
I do have to say that the aesthetics look very great And like RaBBiiTTT said, the design looks complex. The structures look very nice and well placed and i really like the tunnel idea. I also really like the purplish light, tis cool xD Very great work and congrats on the feature and premium
The gameplay on this map is very good, and the aesthetics are sound. Well worth my download. Congrats on the feature, and the premium.
Nice. This here's one of the few Sky bubble maps that I've kept on my HD so far. Everything flows together really nicely, and there are a lot of interesting object uses. Definitely shows off what you can do upstairs. The believe I have an older version, though. I'll have to check out the updates. One of my favorite slayer maps so far. Awful for oddball, though. Lol. Strong work, buddy.
This map looks amazing, and although I never saw the original thread I believe DoogNit has deserved premium status since the first two racing maps he posted. TBH, I think his Rainbow Valley mario-karts remake should have been featured.
Man I haven't seen this map for a a bit. Great map for Team Slayer, and probably on of the best Sandbox maps for it. It also surprisingly works for Pro Snipes...
Wow! Doog you've done it again. almost every single map is a hit with you. good job, im taking notes.
I love multi-teired maps, ill have to give it a go with some friends to get a full review of it, but nice job, it looks very smooth and seems like a good koth game.. Without playing it, id say a 4/5. Please don't rate without downloading first.
Wow,I love the asethics in the map.Second sandbox feature...yeah.Doog deserves it.But I really don't agree here.Did you guys test this map?I think the gameplay is lacking because of all the high structures.But I like it. Of course we tested this map.
Congrats on the feature. This really does look amazing. Original design and aesthetics make this map even better. I like the weapon layout and the fact that a lot of this map is bordered to prevent walking off of the edge, and you bordered the top to prevent breaking out of the map. You can still manage to escape using one of the Deployable Covers and a grenade jump though. The Deployable Covers add a nice touch as they take some skill to utilize, especially in the tunnels. I have yet to get a game together on this, but when I do, I'm sure the gameplay will be up to par with the aesthetics, and will grant this map a permanent spot on my hard drive. Great job. Congrats again.
Although it is my opinion that a few other maps should have got the feature before this one, not to give off any names. But this did look pretty good, however, I did not like the looks of the map when it was posted, so I didn't download it. I guess I should download it now... grats on Premium Doog! But let me just point something out, it seems that we are always featuring maps by people who need one more for premium. Although the last one was by somebody who was already premium. We just got almost 3 people premium in a row! Val, Zombie, and now Doog. Not one of these maps was posted in the Nominations For Featured Maps thread, and if you ask me. I think that thread is kinda pointless if none of the maps in there are featured once in awhile. Once again Doog, grats, and all that other mumbo jumbo.
so we get bitched at if we give staff features.. and bitched at when we don't. i give up. oh, and Harmony was strongly requested in the featured map thread, btw. As was Ephasus, Landing Pad, and Redeemer also. So there.
I saw you bitching about your map not being featured in another thread too. It was pretty funny. In fact, in your map thread you have a gigantic obnoxious ad trying to get your map featured... If the only reason you're making maps is to be featured on a website and gain imaginary respect, you should find a new hobby. Alternately, I hear there's other forge sites where its much easier to get featured, you can go there. That being said, I remember playing this when it first came out, and it was great fun. The weapons and gameplay were balanced and intuitive, and due to his creative use of objects you immediately were able to get your bearings, know where you are, and just start playing right away. Well-rounded, well-functioning, great looking map. Deserving of feature.
Great job, Doog! I loved Antiquity since it was first posted. Much like Locked Out, this map was too cool to comment on. I really couldn't sum up my thoughts about it to comment! Congrats on the feature and Premium! I can't wait to see your next map.
It seems as though you might be talking out of jealousy rather than information/facts so the only advice I could give you is to keep on trying. If I can do it, you can. If you do seriously think I didn't deserve the feature, shouldn't you download it first? Although pictures can tell you much about the map including most or all of the aesthetics, game play is only captured when played. Play on it a couple times, maybe do a forge-through, and then make your decision as to whether or not I deserved this. If your decision stays as so, then so be it. I am, however, making a v3 which will hopefully meet up to any standards v2 did not. I appreciate your congrats and hope you like my map! Thanks man that means a lot coming from someone with your standards. I say this because I've seen and played many of your maps and none seem to disappoint in any way. You obviously know what you're doing. Good thinking with that deployable cover bust; I totally forgot about those. I'll see what I can do for that in my later version(s). I hope you can get a few good games in on the map and possibly give me some more feedback/advice. Thanks for any that has already been given. Can't wait for Silhouette!
The most distinguishing feature of this map is how he managed to make a Sky Bubble map that stands out from the rest with its unique geometry. I really love the tube sections that curve up to the main level of the map. Way too cool.