I think work in progress maps go here... If not, sorry, I'm still new Anyway, I just realized a similar idea was just posted a little while ago, but I still want to show off mine so far because it's a little different. Basically, by using color effects, the Crypt becomes very, very difficult to see in. If you want to know where you're going, you have to use flares or head to the nearest place with any light. Otherwise, you're a sitting duck for the infected to get you. Using this, I basically started making an underground city in the Crypt. The infected would spawn above on the main floor of Sandbox, and drop down to get the humans. They'll be four main corners of the city, each with a unique place to explore. Here's what I have so far... This is just an overview without color effects. In the top right is a little house with two floors, and the top left has a "treehouse," that can be accessed through the thin bridges on the side of it or the man cannon on the house. There's a central space where the infected will go to, which leaves them with 4 choices of where to start moving. I'd imagine they'd head to the house, because it's easiest to see. A small view of the house. Ignore the respawn points, those are just for working on the map in Forge. The drop down into the Crypt is made longer by some tubes. And now some views of the map with the Old Timey and Gloomy color effects on... The drop down. The treehouse. The main house. Same overview I first posted, just with the effects. So this is definitely still a work in progress, and seeing as it took me a day to finish the one house it probably won't be done for a while. What I'm really wondering is what you guys think of it, and if there's anything you think I really need to improve. Again, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I'm not sure where else I would.
I like the structures and the setup so far, but try to go easy with the effects. I realize that the effects are key to making the humans stay in the houses, but I always get annoyed when effects make it hard to move and see. As long as you are able to see where you are supposed to, it sounds good. I deffinately want to see how this turns out
The key here is balancing risk/reward between moving and camping. Since the point of the game is that the zombies are hard to see, they probably shouldn't be hard to kill. That means that there will be high incentive for the player to just run to the large house and stay there. To even the odds, either put most/all the weapons elsewhere, or make the house easily accessible by the zombies. Same goes for the other structures, the more easily defended they are, the harder they should be to either get to by the humans or they should have fewer weapons. The main area of the map isn't going to see a lot of action, since the humans will be hiding and the infected will be focusing on killing them. This doesn't mean you should neglect everything but the buildings though. Add cover, letting the infected sneak up on the humans. Maybe give the infected lower gravity, so they can jump over said cover to surprise humans. The map looks alright, but its going to need work in order for it to be fair for both sides.
A new addition I figured I'd post... A very simplistic yet large pyramid. This is the 3rd main corner of the map. It's also the closest structure to where the infected start, so I wouldn't be surprised if they go there to start. Once indoors, you'll make your way around to the center. They'll be a sword here, as well as another flare for when not exploring the 4 corners of the map. Any suggestions? I've never made an infection map before, and I think this is pretty ambitious for me so I want it to be perfect.
I think that you should balance all the structures out. Have an idea of what gametype you're going to make. Do the humans have unlimited ammo? Are the zombies fairly easy to kill? Do the zombies need to have poor camo? Just some ideas.