Hi a quick review of your map based off touring through it in forge (I haven't had a chance to play it, but if I have a chance I will.) I really like the layout and the expansion/remaking that you did with the bases aswell as the middle area. The only real qualm I have is that some objects placed do not line up as best they could. This is by no means a big deal since the amount they're out by is not very noticeable in the heat of a game, but enough to mention if you're looking for perfection. Overall, forging was very nice and interlocked where needed (I hate when people just throw **** together that could look so much better.) I'm not sure about two rocket launchers, however as I said I haven't played the map, only ran through it in forge. Nice job.
I use the two rockets similar to the default Sandbox, each team having one and balancing the other out. As you haven't had time to play it yet, I understand this. It worked great while testing.
I played a game on default sandbox today and found myself thinking "wow this ****ing sucks compared to projection" long live loldres1944
I know what you mean, the other day I was playing the default sandbox as well I kept on going for the sniper (even though their isn't one in default sandbox) and I kept finding my self with no br.