This map looks extremely well built, and it looks fun to play too! The OP was one of the best OPs i have ever seen, i know how long that must have taken......AGES!! Congrats on incorparating new, awesome ideas into this map, i've never played Castle Crashers but this maps looks super awesome, judging from the pics and the wicked description I'll give it a 5/5
Thanks for the comment Destroyer! Although I didn't spend ages on the OP, I did spend quite a long time on it. I have been gone for awhile on an Orchestra trip, so yeah. You have never played Castle Crashers before? No problem, you don't need to have ever played the original game. This isn't a remake, it just reminded me of Castle Crashers at the time. What am I getting all these downloads for all of a sudden? I don't get it! 100 downloads per day is nice! This map has almost hit 500 downloads! Keep this thread alive, and it could go beyond 1,000!!! Edit: By the way everybody, this map has now made it to the 3rd page of Sandbox's most downloaded maps! WOOOOOT! Double Edit: Oh my god, I have passed 500 downloads. I am so happy! The strange thing is that I only get like 1 post a week. What the hell you guys? Download the map, and no comment? What has this world come to!? Triple Edit: I am not fat, and I do not suck ****. Quit it! What if this were to get onto Bungie Favorites!? People would see that and assume I am a fat person who sucks ****! Of course I'm not, but people would think that! Another Edit In Order To Refrain From Double Posting: This map has recieved 200 downloads in just a day. Soon it might be earning 500 downloads a day. To bad I don't know where all these downloads are coming from, if this map just keeps getting bumped back to page 3 within 5 minutes. I'm all sad face now! I'm sorry for bumping this map.. it's just that I have been upset at how this map has been doing. I have even seen moderators bumping their map threads this way, so don't think I'm the only one! With so many new people joining, and posting their maps. The good ones get pushed back by pieces of crap that have no pictures. Grrrr... I want pancakes!
I have always wanted to try this, my friends said it has potential but until I find out myself, I won't comment. But by reading, I can see this as a new twist on a classic game. Downloaded
Thanks for posting DeathToll! Although I know I kinda forced ya, I'm glad you did the right thing! Besides, I helped in your final testing on Hot Spots, so you gotta help a brother out! Not to sound pissy or anything, but: I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE SOME TIPS ON WHAT TO ADD ONTO V2 OF THE MAP RIGHT ABOUT NOW. SEEING AS THIS MAP DOES HAVE OVER 500 DOWNLOADS, AND NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS!
Wow, I took a look through this in forge (will definitely be playing if I get a chance,) and this map is absolutely beautiful. Very nice looking aesthetically and looks to flow really well. Not much else I can say about it, or I would.