MAN! I REALLY HATE THIS I just wanted to know, How many of you forgers make a really fun and great map, and nobody realizes its potential and the map gets lost somewhere of in the forum? I really hate when it happens, especially when you have made a really good map. Don't you guys hate it when it happens? P.S- This is just a question out of curiosity. I am really not talking about my maps, I am actually talking about everyones maps in general so no hard feelings or bashing me with rude comments.:lol::haha:
I've noticed this happening lately as well. It has to do with the release of Sandbox and every forger wants to release their map at the same time. I'm sure it will get better as time goes on.
Not really. If your map doesn't get enough attention, you should put it in your signature (not talking about your maps - if you made any), and if you do so nicely in a fashionable way that makes people curious and intrigues them, surely they will click it, and if they like the map, download it. I hope I helped you, or everyone in general with this.
It is a problem with maps that arn't so flashy but have really good gameplay on it but, nobody ever plays the maps before they comment and rate.
I have hated this so much recently. It seems that a bunch of people have come and joined this site, JUST to post their maps. Not to be active, but to advertise content of theirs. Now there are some of these maps that are actually, good, but the others are just threads with no pictures, that push the real maps down the list. So many maps have been bumped back to the 3rd page within 2 hours of their post. This Is Just A Rant That Doesn't Regard Anybody But MeGrrrrr... not to advertise or anything. But my map, Castle Crashers, is pushed back to page 3 constantly, and yet there hasn't been a single negative comment regarding it. So what the hell am I supposed to do!? If I have no updates to make, because apparently the map is perfect. Then, I mean... wow. Over 3,000 views, and 500 downloads. But no nominations for a Feature. Fail map is failing... My map is super flashy.. that doesn't help!
Seriously, why get mad at something like this. If it was a game, like for the 360, that your company made and spent a lot of time in, and if it doesn't sell well, that is something to get pissed off about. In this case, it's funny, no. It's non profit, and should really just go with critism over popularity. I used to get a little mad when my maps don't get attention but you will feel better playing it with friends that will like it.
When you make a bunch of maps, you link them all in your signature. That way, when you make a really good map, people take a look at your other maps as well. It's happened to me multiple times before, both on Forgehub, and before I came to Forgehub.
There's just an insane overabundance of mediocre maps. I generally check out every new map posted and just read the post and move onto the next one. All these maps either have obviously no planned layout or no creativity in them and use the same basic layout and it bores the hell out of me. I'm literally delaying the release of my maps because I know that if I release them now they'll get buried among mediocre maps made by accounts with 1 post on them. I hope this will die down soon, I just want it to be like the good ol' Foundry days when you were lucky to have 1 map a day posted and you knew these maps were made with care and delicacy, interlocking and geomerging, thought and planning.
Conkerkid, your map stood out to me quite well. It was a very well written post, and it intrigued me very nicely. I actually have downloaded it, but I never had a chance to play it (my clan was playing Halo Wars a lot, so I joined them, I actually want about 8 people to test it). Think of this as an opportunity to go back to your maps and doing what you can to make them the best you can be. Maybe you want to rebuild a section that turned out sloppy (that's actually the case with one of the maps I have, except that I didn't make it, another clanmate did, and I'm redoing the whole thing). Also, since everyone is trying to do the same thing, it means that plenty of opportunities are open to try something outside of the box. Those would probably have a good chance of being featured, especially now. With the forums these days, I have to seriously look at the number of replies on it before I check it out. I see pretty much a whole page of 3-6 replied-on threads. It's frustrating, but more to other map posters than to me.
The same thing happened when foundry was realeased, sort of, at least when they made the members able to post maps. Its obvious that it will happen with sandbox. As with foundry, it will die down eventually.
It happens... All thread (except stickies) will die a natural forum death. That is, until someone decides to spam it and Its suddenly at the top of the forum again. As people said, the only thing that will keep people interested in your maps is putting them in you signature.
It's just because people are rushing maps out on sandbox, so there are new ones every hour, and to be honest most of them seem like they don't have any thought put into them. So the few that are actually good are getting pushed off way too fast. If you're working on a map right now, just take your time with it and perfect it before you post it. That's what I'm doing with my map right now. Soon enough the sandbox buzz will die down and people will stop posting as many maps. Just post your maps after that.
I understand it stood out to you, but it didn't get that many posts, and that thread was pimp dude! I included every bit of information a player would need to know about my map! Not only that, but I went into and instead of just typing out Description, and all that with bold, big letters. I cut out pictures with a photo editor, and made the thread neat, and easy to understand! I even pasted the Screenshots together, as to count towards 1 of the 20 pictures allowed! I would have to guess that I spent about 5 or so hours on that thread, and a couple weeks on the map. Spending 2 hours on the map each day! These stupid, floating maps that take no skill to make. These dumb Crypt and Middle Tier maps with a random structure in the middle. It's so stupid, how maps have become! I don't care if this is how it was when Foundry came out! We should know better than to rush our maps just to get them our there. You have to spend time on the map, it's not like somebody is going to come in and steal your map out of your hands if you don't release it before it's finished! That's exactly it! But the thing is, is when. When will this rush of maps stop, and when can we post our maps? I know I just keep going on forever here, with all this ranting. But even the flow of maps nominated for Feature have slowed down. Just because people only care for their own maps. I mean, every so often a popular person will release a map, and sure. About 20 people will nominate it.. *Cough Cough..* Deathtoll! (Beautiful map by the way!) But, like... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............ I have a giant picture with a link leading to the Nominate A Map For Feature thread at the bottom of my Castle Crashers post. I'm sure people have clicked it, but I'm sure they didn't care to get it featured! Over 500 downloads... what makes Locked Out so much better!? DON'T READ THIS IF YOU DON'T LIKE RANTS!
I dunno if interested is the word I'd use, but I suppose it generates a couple extra clicks through your forum lifetime. I think I've had maybe one download per week since having Somniphobia in my sig after it fell from the front page. Download count reset when I posted up V2, but I don't think I'm too far off on that estimation.
Once this absurd influx of Sanbox maps stops, it will slowly start to ease up a bit. Then hopefully the good ones will shine through.
See this is why map releases suck so much. It practically restarts the forging world, and everyone thinks their map is worth posting after the hour spent on it. Not only did Conker's map post intrigue me, his replies on that thread did as well. To me, it shows pride, real pride, on a map that he obviously had spent a lot of time on (you could easily see it in the description). I could tell the map post was thought out simply because it included graphics. How many threads out of 100 do we see with that kind of work put into them? Yeah guys, there's nothing we can do to stop a flood of maps like this. I bet is worse, I haven't even been on those forums in so long. We just have to wait it out. Just take my suggestion and go back to your map and show completely why it's worth being downloaded.
I totally agree. And to conkerkidd, where you said "why is locked out so much better?" It is because Gunnergrunt put a ton of time working and reworking parts of the map to make it flow better and the obvious things are: he got a feature, and its LOCKOUT FOR gOD's SAKE! lol sorry. Plus, It's a map where you can play with any amount of people and have fun, with your map it takes a fairly large group to have fun.. Sorry. Try adding a small change to the map, like the layout or looks of the castles and repost once the sandbox flood dies down.. I'm sorry. Ill just abandon FH for a couple months, then come back, and see which maps have standed out..
You're right; we should know better than to rush our maps. By we I mean the people who have been here before the Sandbox craze. Nearly all of the maps posted now are made by newbies on Sandbox. Yesterday I posted a map I had been working on since before the mythic maps were released on the marketplace, Compound 25(Shameless plug ftw). I knew the flood of Sandbox maps would be a problem, so I changed the prefix to "Foundry" hoping to garner some attention. I didn't expect that, less than a day later, there would be so many new maps that Compound would be pushed to the second page. Before Sandbox, it would usually take at least a few days for a page of maps to be posted. So what do we do? Well, right now I think all we can really do is wait it out. I think a good solution would be to require a certain post count in order to post maps, but there are several problems this would create. Plus, it would probably only be implemented next month, after the flood is over (Hopefully). To anyone who is thinking about posting a map you spent TIME on: Don't. Not right now. It will only get swept away in a sandy flood...