Hey everyone this was one of my first maps ever made. Its one of those sandtrap vehicle maps where humans run from super fast zombies. Someone may have made a map like this and uploaded it before me, but this is old so ya. Yes its a simple map, but the whole point of it is to get in a vehicle and go. There are a few traps so if you fall for them sorry; I will tell you them if you want to know. Edit: Well people are saying the tanks are overpowered. They are useless because zombies can board. That is a "trap" Another "trap" Is the portal, it leads straight to zombie spawn. Can't kill zombies with a plasma pistol... Another trap is the hornet outside the map; it looks like you can get it but trust me you cant. Try shooting it and moving it with the guass warthog it will just blow up before you can get it. Alpha Zombie has full camo the rest have bad camo. The alpha zombie obviously has a advantage with this. Pics: Human overview Another human view Zombies Base DL Link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype DL link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
yes, it has been made over a thousand times by thousands of people, one of them including me, a few of my friends, and a few of their friend's friends. trust me there are many many maps like this. also, why is there a teleporter leading to the zombie spawn? also the amount of vehicles look kinda messy, and trust me it takes forever for a zombie to kill a tank. very original
Dude I said that it was made around when halo was released so sorry for not being "original". I also said there are traps; zombies can board therefore a tank is useless. The portal is a trap to lead them to there death. But honestly sorry for not being original, i kinda figured its been overdone and im late to the party Oh well let it die then.
yea dude. we all know this has been done a million times but maybe he did something different. you'll never know until you try it!
Ya man, like the others said, this is unorginal. When I played this type of game when the game came out, it was okay...But now...Drive for your life game modes suck bad.
Well if its bad then just let the thread die. Like I said I made this around halos release, and i just now posted it...
If it was made around when halo was released, then do not post it because it will most likely suck, just let the thread die
AHHH! you over powered the humans to much take away some of the vehicles and by that i mean the tanks and not so many warthogs the point of infection is to run away from the zombies. Not go on a rampage with the tank and pwn every zombie that gets in their way i am sorry but i don't like it that much. 2/5
Ok im going to edit the OP explaining it better; The tanks are USELESS zombies can board, therefore they are crap.