Yes/Very nice flow of colors through the point of emphasis, maybe spice up the negative space, idk. Looks great regardless
its good, too much negative space on the right, but you should try something else, all of your sigs are mostly the same.. that is a focal with a plain background + c4d's making flow to the left and right and up
Ooh i first saw it and was like, "oooh shiny". I think the top of the guys head is a tad bit over sharpened, but that's about it.
Everything looks very realistic, but then the visor looks like a gradient effect and completely out of place. The rest is grungy, but then the visor disrupts the dark(ish) theme of the sig. If it wasn't for that it would look great, but it's just so out of place.
I like the flow of colors in this sig and also I think you are above average when it comes to effects. There is too much space to the right and top though. Perhaps adding something over there or cropping it idk. Good sig though
the visor is the just to bright for the darkness of the sig... and the top of the head is a bit over sharpened. And like eguitarplaya33 said, the right and top seem a little plain, besides that, good job.