So, i posted this in G&A because i want to stop spam, and i dont think this needs to be in Off Topic. If it does, can a moderator please move? Okay, im looking for a Sig Shop partner. Someone who is fairly GOOD with signatures. Its hard running a shop alone. mehh. So if your interested, reply and post your best signature :] Here is some of my work: Code: [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] Please dont spam. This is SRS!
Already talked to mace, he wants to be with someone of his own skill. (damn, that makes me sound conceited but its what he said) So i understood, so I'm just gonna leave it your guy's sig shop.
Why would he say that? I think having three people in a shop is a whole lot better than two? I'll talk to him about that. The bigger the better.
If you want any help, I could be of assistance. My style is a lil' more from scratch, but I can produce sigs like your own work. Spoiler
I can help, though I'm not sure how much I would, seeing I have limited time on a computer with GIMP or PS(I use both depending on where I am) EDIT: my current is one of my best, and the old grizzly one, if you remember that one.
Huntar, join my shop with Hari. We need some skill there cuz Hari doesn't have PS right now. So it's just me. And I trust you to get stuff done.