my most recent shot, tell me what you think. link i dont know if its an old effect or not, i just thought it was cool.
AHHH my eyes. Seriously though, it is waaaaay too bright. While I do like the effect and the positioning of the spartan, I can't look at it for more than a couple seconds without it hurting my eyes.
yeah okay... my reply sounded retarded. I know it's white, it's just kind of annoying to look at for after a little bit. And don't get me wrong, it's a decent picture, but not your best. (I really like the one by you of the hornet and the sky on Sandbox... I had that as my wallpaper for a while.) EDIT* Now that is epic.
yes i know what you meant. i wasnt trying to correct you or anything, i agree. thanks for the comment. but yeah i inverted the colors, i wish i could actually do that in halo.
Yeah that would be awesome if they had some sort of photo manipulation software implanted into Halo 3. But that would never happen.
Eh i dont like it, not really my type of shot sorry. The white is too blotchy, and the black is unatractive, they are good shots, but i dislike them.
I like the screenshot. The blue-yellow mix looks really good. I haven't seen this exact effect before, either.