Map Title: Stronghold fun and exciting infection game Download Map Download Gametype Description: In this infection map humans start in a well fortified base and rush to defensive positions as zombies come flying out of their hidding places and into the base. Their are 4 turrets, 2 snipers, and 1 rocket launcher. rounds usually go fast and are always exciting. In the video the beginning shows the layout of the map, and if u jump to around 8:20 you see how the game is usually played. the guy who was the zombie wasnt very good so it took him awhile. should be played with the "zombie" game variant. UPDATE this is one of my older maps that is getting some attenion again so i will address some things, the map is alot "cleaner" than the vid shows it (see updated pics below) some people think that humans have an unfair advantage. they do but its not that much of an advantage. i hate games where zombies die a million times before infecting someone so i assure u this is not one of those games. you may die 2 or 3 times but you will make it in and infect someone. zombies are fast and have lots of cover... also there is more than 1 entrance into the base (3 actually) [youtube]_8Fsmxee01c[/youtube] UPDATE updated pics of map thanks for reading, preplook1
i know... now that i look back at this map... i could do way better now... but all these kids on utube are like "how did u do that" and "that must hav taken forever"... and im like... no i just stacked boxes and threw stuff down to hide in
As said before, not the most original infection map, but not a bad map at least. Usually when I see this the humans are gods and all zombies are at one shot. Nice job, 3/5
ya i think ur right... but this was my first post along time ago... so i probly put it in the wrong place
so you've played it... trust me... i know it looks kinda bad... if you have ever seen my other maps youd know that now i interlock most everything... but since ive made this video ive cleaned it up alot... but how it looks dosnt have anything to do with how it plays (i agree with you that it looks bad in the video)... i have played this map alot (maybe too much) and rounds last a few min... there are usually 2 or more zombies... if u play with like 4 people yes it wouldn't be very balanced... but only 2 turrets are actually used (top 2) and zombies hav lots of cover and are fast... it balances out EDIT: im puting pictures of the changes i made on
Looks fun, but not the most even map I have ever seen. Four turrets? And the zombies get what? Swords? Not fair to zombies.
like i said before... zombies are fast... if u use the gametype it balances out... trust me... ive played this 100 times