Skytrack Map Description This is a better racetrack in the skybubble of sandbox that me and my friend made more my friend though. me:waffle1313 friend:flash2480 overview overview 2 bumpy beginning Please leave comments and please tell me what you think of of it. Download it Download Skytrack
That does not look fun, judging from the pictures. Also, it's not even a real racetrack. But good attempt, I'll give you that. But, if you want to make a track that's a real racetrack, I suggest you browse through this sub-forum, download a few, race on them, and build your own. Make sure you observe how it's made, and that might help.
O.K. the racetrack itself was way to bumpy so I would have given out 3/10 but the thought counts so i rated it 10 on just because of your attempt =)