Now before everyone goes "Lol look at Mikey he buys songs what a loserfag, (troll troll troll)." I realize 98% of the teenage population download music illegally, but those are the people that had a big cause of our current recession. Now since that is out of the way, on to my pointless rambling and ranting. Songs in iTunes have gone up in price; 30 cents to be exact. Not all songs but a great chunk of them. Why do you think that is? Because of everyone illegally downloading them and our current economy state. I know 30 cents is not that much but after buying 10 songs, that is 3$ extra. I have about 100 songs, which would be 30$ extra I spent. FML
Nobody likes it. Everybody hates it. iTunes is losing lots of people because of it. I might even go to limewire! I have 20,000 songs (I bought about 17,000 of them and used CD's for the rest) and if you so the math, which I'm too lazy to, that would he A LOT of money. I am glad I didn't buy them now!
Wait, you bought 17000 songs on iTunes? That is no way; that is... 17000$ plus the price rise extra (5100$)
I bought the songs BEFORE the price rise. Also, I haven't just bought the songs I'm one week. I have bought them like her side iTunes came out.
Okay, we could debate this. When you pirate music, you are not taking money away from the artists of the song. You are stealing the money from all the behind the scenes. The camera man, sound booster, song mixer/editor, etc....
I hate iTunes, ( pirates had little/nothing todo with recession, kthnx oil/mortgages/bad loans ) i used to use it until i discovered frostwire. bought 210 dollars worth of movies, TV shows and songs I did. I was recently in the iTunes store and i saw that in the newer papa roach album that lifeline ( most popular song on the album ) was 1.30 or 1.20, i forget. While the rest where still 99 cents.I realized thats ****ING STUPID. Their making us pay more for songs that are popular. Now i only use iTunes for Tv shows, too bad i have 40 dollars in gift cards. Pirating ftw. also about the LOL HE BUY MUSIC WAT A ***, thing i happen to have a picture related to that.
You realise that amazon also lowered their prices by around 30p per song from the original music prices right? if ITunes raised their prices up from 79 to 99p then a price range of 50p will encourage customers to migrate from Itunes to amazon. yeah sorry I'm British
I've heard about it quite abit through the radio and such and by the looks of it Amazon's custom is gonna go sky high, something for the stockmarket there get your shares ready!
That is untrue. In fact, music sales have actually risen in the past two years (which is when piracy has been most prevalent).
Egh I just threw out a percentage. My school is horrible though because I do not know one person at my school, other than me, that buys their music.
The iTunes price increase is perfectly reasonable though we dislike it. Just face it, iTunes was going down the drain with their poor sales.
It's not that piracy caused a price rise. It's just Apple being greedy again. They know that people will still pay money to get their songs off of iTunes (I find free, and sometimes legally free tunes to download; however, there are still people who either morally object to piracy or like the convenience of the iTunes store (in case you lose all your music, you can redownload them off of iTunes (but you can still do that with pirated music! (Besides the point))). Anticomptetion. The price rise isn't due to the recession, or piracy, or whatever. It's just, APPLE WANTS MORE MONEY. If you've noticed, Apple has been raising the prices of songs almost exclusively of popular ones. Sure, they say that they've lowered the price of some songs to $.69 (lol), but where are these songs? Certainly not the popular ones. And piracy doesn't 'steal money from the artists'. You know who does? The retailers (think Apple) take out about 35% of the profit, leaving $0.65 (assuming we're talking about the $0.99 model). Then that remaining money goes to the recording companies to take their profit out of. They leave, from what I've heard, about 4% of that for the artists. Four-****ing-percent. For every $0.99 song you buy, the artists get about 2.6¢ for.
Technically pirating music doesn't steal money from the artists/whoever. They don't LOOSE money every time their song is pirated, but people enjoy the song without giving the artist money. Also, I use itunes. Just saying, SOMEONE has to. You can thank me later.