Well, after recently closing my shop (yes it is closed), I felt like I wasn't giving anything to this community. So I'm opening this thread to help new signature makers get better. Now you should post your signature, or other pic, and what program(s) you used to make it. I will then give a two to five sentence review of the signature, or other picture, and post it. Don't expect immediate reviews though, unless I'm on and not busy, because I have school and other activities. These reviews can include but aren't limited or required to have, links to helpful websites or tutorials, useful tips, addressing you in a friendly way, explanations of why, etc. Now, if I get majorly overloaded I may go down to a one sentence review, and I may skip over things that I can't give advice on well i.e. Space work, and some others. Just to clarify, post your picture and the program you made it with.
Your I'm Sic Nasty right? Anyway I already posted something about this on Viralgfx, but I guess I could go more in depth. I do like the newer black border, and the texture on the bg (The new effect you were talking about I believe). However, it seems well idk really how to explain it so I guess I'll just say that the helmet seems overly bright as compared to the darker background. There also seems to be a lack of real flow, up and left on the left side of mc and up and right on the right of mc, but no real defining features of this flow other than the texture. Overall a pretty good sig, nice blending and use of colors.
Im not really helping with the community either lol. It all went downhill since i lost PS. If you ever need any help here, just send me a message or something.
Well, its a good thing I know what program both of you use. Anyway, the first one is better IMO. This is because its more focused on the ODST and doesn't have the distracting text. The first one is the one I'm referring to after this point. The cloud is great, love it, but the whole sig looks pixely? or something, just doesn't look right (Another one of those things I can't explain). I do like your use of the cloud to make flow, I don't like how you have the arm there, it kinda disrupts the flow IMO. You also did a good job on the bg, very nice use of a forest stock, I can never pull that off. Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that BTW. But yeah, sure as soon as I get overloaded I'll message you. Yeah, but that kinda went dead. Although, I'm still contacting a couple of people, I wasn't giving actively to the community.
Made it with GIMP since I'm still not used to Photoshop CS4 Tell me what you think and I just posted in the Sig School a few days and no one has replyed if you guys wanted to know.
Could I see the stock? But as is, The thing above his head seems weird and over bright. The other c4ds that are in there look good though. Other than that I wont say until I see the stock...NVM You should have put all that info from the thread into here. But anyway, tone down the brightness of the flame stuff, and maybe add in a spiky c4d (Link provided later) or some more of the stuff you used on the small white spike like things on the right of him. Also crop off the empty part of the right side, it will be odd shaped but better that way.
Ya here are the stocks: ImageShack® - Gallery http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs23/f/2008/006/5/7/Masyaf_by_Raphael_Lacoste.jpg And I didn't use C4D's at all it is all Long Exposure things but I think this edit is too late Didn't feel like spoilerizing them lol. And ya the top left is a lighting effect. What do you think about this version? Lighting removed.
Well, most of all they are interrupting the flow of the sig, so how long are they? Because I would suggest rotating them until the go kinda up and to the left and then move them back into position and then erase the things over the focal.
Well, it seems monotone now...Maybe tone down the opacity of the gradient layer? Other than that, same as the last one.
Cnc plez i dont know if you already did on viralgfx but whatever.. Stock link I know the border is bad....
Well, I'll start with the text. The stripe ruins the flow and isn't necessary. And its gigantic, make it smaller. The next thing is the c4ds, if I felt like it, I could probably go and find those on planet renders. You don't want that, so don't resize them (Or at least I never do). On the good side, you did a nice job of blending and a good job at creating flow. Although it seems a little empty on the left side.
Newest version. What do you think of that one? I played around with the LE's and tried to give it more flow but I don't think I did a very good job....lulz