Hello and this is Dragons manor a competitive with a game type Arctics Flag Description: DarkDragon274 visited Kingbarts manor and told me he wants a awsome castle/manor thing. So i got to work and after some back bracking hours of hard labour I finished it but King Bartlet's Hentchmen came to take my Deed/Flag to the castle manor thing. So lets lock and load. Bu tnot yet we need to learn that they have a mortar cannon and a shotgun. I hope we dont loose it. Weapons on map BRs shotgun Ar smgs snipers Rocket spike nades bubble shields power drainers Frag grenades Fire bomb-4 Spikers plasma rifles 1 plasma pistol Vehicles warthog 1-Attackers 1-Defense mongoose 1 attackers 2 mongoose ghost nutera Morter cannon Attackers turrets 1-nuteral 1 Defense Mancannon behind the manor pictures Overview Defenders Attackers Active camo spawn Overshield The nuteral turret/ruins More of the attackers base Gameplay Matrix PWNED Mortar Kombat The map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Game: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Not to bad some more pictures would be nice but the map itself is not bad. You did a pretty good job with it I like the bg base and I like the attackers base. It is not to asthetically amazng but it is simpe and decent. Overall I am gonna the this a 3.7/5
shortest post ever that is up to the forgehub standards, wow. Anyway, you went like 'Hello this is my map' with a flag variant and screenshot, it's very hard to see how the map looks like with your pictures and you didn't tell us enough about your flag gametype, so I'm not gonna waste time to have a look at it, so sad face for both of us.
lol in a hurry to get this up or something? uhhh ok maybe need some more pics and a descripition as well as the weapon count and respawn times. from the pics it looks pretty clean a few crooked pieces here and there. the OS and Camo structures are unisnpired and don't really flow with the rest of the map. fix these little things in a V2 and you got my DL
I like the idea of the big structure as a base. You should make a longer description for a better understanding of the map. 3/5
Alright i put more pics and put a description kinda with a spoof with Bart's Manor and him getting pissed so he is trying to take this one. I dont know all the weapons so i put a list of some