Yes, let's. His choice. What? I thought it looked awesome... He's stating what he believes in. What the **** is your problem? Wow, you're going to criticize his shop just because he's new? Whoa, are you sure it's you that's right? How do you know if you're the one that's right? Are you sure that you're just not being closed-minded, and refuse to look at it in his point of view?
Not really, most of the time digital art on the internet [Some of you may know it as digiart?] is made by a fellow nobody. Instead of by the creator of the character therefore using someones digital paintings is similar to ripping, while using the professionally produced non-digital art of the original creator is more like fanart because you are showing your appreciation of their design or idea. Its a flawed system since in essence you are using someone elses work but they way I see it the original creator makes a profit the "nobody" is just one of us.
Great point. I have seen your point, but there's one thing I can't get past. The fact that some people will have "do not rip" or "do not redistribute" means they don't want you to use it. It seems you're fine if they don't have that up. If they don't, but they don't want you using it, they can just tell you to take it down. Simple really.
Yes, but does he HAVE to have examples? It's not hurting anybody, is it? Why do you have a such a big problem with it? Now you're bragging? You have no idea what he did to it. Look at Dizfunky's Dead Space signature. It's twice as good as yours, and all it LOOKS like is him. With your statement, you're saying all photographers suck. All THEY do is take a picture. What are you doing? Handing him a basket of flowers? Ice, you're arguing over the same exact thing, just on the opposite side. Why can't you just respect his opinion? And just because he has a low post count means he sucks?
Thats completely true they can simply ask for removal if they find you using their image with out them ever giving consent even on photographs. The thing is though some places like lets say deviant art have people who make digi art all the time and choose to add their Do not's some where other than the image itself [Like their profile or in the summary] and since on the internet it can be hard to find the source of an image sometimes I tend to try to stick away from anything that is clearly digital to avoid any possible backlash. With photograph's this can be trickier so I usually just use it and if the original ever ask me to remove it I do [Has yet to happen].
Honestly, I lost a lot of respect for a few people just reading this thread... @Rek I say you ask a mod to delete this shop, and start a new thread because the spam is going to be annoying for people viewing your shop. At least have them lock this one.
: \ Icecikle I'll admit my signature does look a tad low quality this is only due to the over contrast that I used. But to say I did nothing to it is ridiculous. I could not find the full size image so Instead I opened the psd and grabbed it from there. That was the original stock.
By nothing I meant that what was there looked like a simple stock with very little change to it. Seeing the stock though changes it, although I don't really like the effects they're there
Reklats, let me finish this thread for you. I have lost some respect for some people in just viewing this thread just as Kumquat said. And in retrospect, you should have had more information in the original post, but let me say a few things. 1. Over 5 pages of arguing was not necessary, Ice. 2. That sig is actually pretty good, I just don't like the amount of contrast on the left side of the face. 3. If you are still viewing this thread, just don't. Reklats, I advise you to ask a moderator to have this thread locked and maybe to put a little bit together for a new shop. Please no more posts now.
HI MALLET!!!1one!!! But on a more srs note, I would suggest having a mod delete this thread and make a new one. EDIT: ****, didn't see your post jelleh, I spent a bit of time reading this thread...