Cerastes Created by TheYavimayan This map draws influence from Sidewinder of Halo:CE. I played the best CTF games on this map before I even owned an XBOX, some lasting more than two hours! I was hoping to recreate that excitement in this new map Cerastes . Although it is not supposed to be a clone of the original Sidewinder, it brings back similar gameplay. One thing that will not work is Oddball because the ball is in the hill (Whoops). Oh, and as it says in the description, Cerastes is the species for the Sidewinder snakes in case you were wondering. Recommended Gametypes: CTF, Assault, or Slayer variants The Blue Base The Carriers Meet Almost Captured Returning Home Download Cerastes
im kinda confused as how this plays out (i never played CE)...but ill download it anyway seeing who it comes from
I actually had LOADS of Fun on this map... It doesn't realy have the same feel (being without snow and all), but it is Pretty darn balanced, and alot of fun. BUT... THIS IS THE WORST GRIFBALL MAP EVER!!!! LAWLZ!!!
lol I hadn't looked at my Bungie thread in a while and apparently there was a fight that had nothing to do with my map, well at least it gave it some life
If the arguement continues you'll get lots of downloads! I don't really like this map, I tried playing this final version in the last custom game night, and no one liked it, at least on my team. I don't really see any similarities to Sidewinder. The map is pretty well made, however the concept itself doesn't really make for very exciting games. If your planning on editing this, you can set it up for Oddball as well, just set your whole hill to respawn 180 seconds ingame, delete the Oddball spawn in it, place one where you want it to be, and then reset the hill to spawn normally. One change you may want to consider as well is changing the teleporter system up top to a big area you can walk through without teleporters.
Are you joking, everyone that has played it liked it, you don't see any similarities, that is so wrong....
No, everyone I was playing against said they didn't like that it that much, except for a few people who really wanted to try it, but changed there minds ingame. Your use of the Foundry bases is unoriginal, maybe make the back hallway a walkway in the map and put bases on the opposite side of the map.
The only thing i dont like about it is basically everyone just takes the shortcut every time and it almost always works Still fun though, but i cant really comment about its resemblance to sidewinder cuz i have a realllllly vague memory of that map. I think it had snow?
I played Sidewinder many times, it was my favorite map on Halo 1, I know that the main path through the map was curved like that, but I still don't see the resemblence. And I'm not trying to say this is a bad map, many people like it and can be fun to play, however it could be a lot better.
I see the resemblance to sidewinder and think it's a lot of fun, the shortcut does seem to be the only path people take though.