Updated OP Changed sign up deadline Made Ice's stock the one we will be using Deleted out all other stocks The sections should hopefully be given out this weekend, if not, expect them early next week.
I don't know, I probably won't organize it though. This was just supposed to be a small project until a larger one can be decided upon. I just wanted something under way while everyone else picks what to do.
Well, there are around 48 full tiles, not including the ones at top and bottom that cut off, and 16 members that have signed up so far, so divide 48 by 16 to get the number of tiles that we would get if no one else joined in not including the top and bottom cut off tiles.
Figured you had, just wanted to show off my mazin math skillz. Anyway, what exactly are we putting in the windows? Like are there any restrictions? I would suggest maybe one of your best works, or a nice scenic view, either way, you should make sure you fit it in there right.
It's supposed to be something completely new, and it can be whatever you want. Just go crazy, it's a blank canvas.
also when we do submit, do we post the stock with the window and our edited parts or just the edited parts that have been cut out?
You can post the stock with your sections if you want. Don't worry I'll hammer out some rules when I hand out the sections.
One more day before registration closes. I'm going to start rendering the sections and passing them out. I need some volunteers to do a couple of the top and bottom squares that were cut off. They won't be your only sections, they'll just be in adition to the regular ones you will be getting. I know I'll be taking a couple, so anyone else who wants another place to put a picture, speak up now.
Added list of people taking a cutoff panel. Added Zerosun to Participating Members. @Sam - Do you want to take more than one panel? Because we have more than enough. @Miraj - Your not signed up for this project yet, if you would just say so. I'm not sure how interpret "gimme! gimme!"
In that case, I'll happily take two or three off your hands? If you get enough people taking them, call it two, but if you need a few extras used up I'll be happy to fill in a few for you.