Virs Visi, literally translating to "Above All", lives up to its name. It is a 4 to 12 player map which is good only for capture the flag, slayer, king of the hill, and assault. I didn't set it up for other gamemodes because I didn't previously know about the infinite item glitch. But it turned out well I might say either way. As I was saying, Virs Visi uses sandboxes sky bubble (Behold my originality) to create a symmetrical, competitive map where you are constantly running, jumping and shooting. The combat can be intense because if you aren't paying attention to your surroundings, you might end up slipping and falling a good distance down to the rock or rock hard sand below. There are 2 bases, red base and blue base. Both bases are identical (Except for the red and blue lighting) complete with a banshee, sniper, battle rifles, a grav lift and a bubble shield; not to mention the several different weapons scattered across the map. So without further adeu, the download. : Halo 3 File Details but of course you aren't going to download a map without seeing what it actually looks like, right? An overview of the map Another overview of the map Blue base Red base An underview of the map (Me and my originality) Please email me at with any bugs or even any comments or questions. I never have good answers but I love to talk!
First: Leave your title to the name of the map only Second: Some of your pics are way to small and only thumbnails Third: The map seems a bit to random Just object spewed all over, but everything looks straight so that is good and shows you care about making a good map. Looking forward to maps made by you later but this one just doesn't work for me.
It might seem like random objects spewed around but of course the pictures are thumbsized. There are a few random structures outside of the playing field with no point other than asthetics.
Its when you get the item limit "Can not place item, too many on map' theres a glitched map that makes it so that doesent happen, also knows as a budget glitch
the pictures are incredibly small bro. You might want to fix that. From what i can barely see this map looks crazy. make bigger pictures please.
I guess I'll try to get higher resolution pictures. sorry about that, completely unintentional. But instead of being concerned about the pictures, I wish people would actually TRY the map. Or read, because I clearly stated that it is a completely symmetrical map. Everything is completely in order, so no it isn't just randomly placed objects.