At first I was like "Awww ****" when I saw this thread because I can't play it until tomorrow and I was bumbed because I didn't know it was thursday already... But now I can't wait until tomorrow. What map(s) are they using?
I cant get on XBL yet iether, im really curious to how it plays because i love it, but between Forge and Vegas 2 i doubt i will play a game.
plays pretty well, ive seen Snowbound, The Pit, Isolation, Narrows, High Ground, Guardian, Construct so far.
Pretty good gameplay, although most of the people I've been paired with say "OMG wtf y do i kep dyin so fast? zomg hax". By the way, wewt! 100th Post! :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_rocking:
I saved up for five weeks before I had the money for Vegas 2 limited edition and pre-ordered the Limited Edition. Sadly, I just got my job that pays 14.50$ and hour after I pre-ordered it so if I got it before I wouldn't have to wait so long to buy it. (I pre-ordered it the day it shipped out) On topic: Yeah, I hate noobs that don't know how to play Costom Matchmaking Hoppers. I mean, even when Grifball came out I never played it before but figured out like right when the game started. All these other noobs weren't even going for the ball and dieing because they didn't know about the bomb and because they had no clue about the sheilds. So the first Grifball games I played we lost most of the time. They should have a Costom Foundry map for Grifball...Like that really good one on the featured maps for SWAT.
the new hopper is great in my opinion! in this hopper it takes REAL SKILL to win, and not just nooby tactics to tick everyone off. what i really love about it, it's started early, the rounds are short, it's not ranked, and you get tons of EXP!
Agreed, if you get caught in a corner whoever shoots first wins. It's most of the time reaction but if you're in a hallway all you need is like a pistol shot to the head and its decided right then and there. No more of that one guy with shotgun at the sheilds with Snowbound, now you both have shotties.
I like halo 2 SWAT better, Idk why, I think the halo 2 maps are better for SWAT or the br spread makes long range killing impossible so you have to get closer to kill the other team so the host ends up whooping everybody.
The experience comes really fast if you have a decent team. So that's good, if it's what you're into. And I can;t complain about the gameplay. It's been good to me thus far... even with my less-than-awesome BR skills.
It is pretty fun I have noticed spawn killing runs rampant on these maps. I am not complaining I received an overkill because of it. But it really sucks when you spawn you die and repeat. My favorite map so far is either Isolation or Epitaph both are really fun, with nice nooks and crannies yo hide in.
Hey Ghost, remember me saying Isolation was my SWAT map and then having to eat my words? Well Guardian is definately my SWAT map now.
In my opinion, its the most noob friendly game ever. I went round the corner where overshield is on Guardian, with a pistol, 3 people coming to me, BANG triple kill. How i survived i have no idea and it was my first game of SWAT ever.
I wish I could play this but my Xbox red ringed I think I will get a replacement by the time it is over.
One of my favorite hoppers so far. Really love it. Wished it stayed as a permanent playlist. But that's just false hope...
alirght thumbs up but their are flaws that i didn't like such as the respawns were gay sometimes, it takes like a whole clip in the back to kill, starting of games are very laggy grenades why why why put grenades in SWAT geez that made me tweak cause half the game is just whipping grenades around every corner and omg it gets sooooo annoying but i'll stick it out because i love swat ... already gotz 6 overkills in my first night playing _ keeganno 's opinion