This is a little collection of some of my favorite screenshots, all authored by yours truly. Tell me what you think! Trial by Fire Just Cool. Ballerina Shadow My Tank Memories "Nooooo!!"
The best one is "Memories." Some of them are a but random, like "My Tank." These are pretty epic, to say the least.
nooooo - awwwww i fell too far and now a hog dosent see me stuck in the sand ballarena shadow - yay snow angels!!!!111!!!!!!
Memories kicks ass. It's good because instead of just saying "Halo CE" or "Ode to Halo 1", it just obviously you're inside MC's head while he's remembering Halo.
"My Tank" happened because of the Elephant Cannon. It got fired at the dunes at about 43,141,255,151,356,136 miles per hour.
I am tied between the first and second one being the best here. The first one's effect is really cool. Its like the whole picture is cracked and disorted. The second screenshot has absolutely amazing lighting and quality. These are some nice screenshots, were they taken by you?