Debate Freedom or Equality

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Purpl3Kill, Apr 12, 2009.


Which do you prefer?

  1. Freedom

    2 vote(s)
  2. Equality

    0 vote(s)
  3. No Oppinion/Idifferent/Undecided

    0 vote(s)
  1. Purpl3Kill

    Purpl3Kill Ancient
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    This (to me) is and interesting subject. The battle between Freedom and Equality.

    Many people see the U.S. (and maybe some other countries as well) as a place where everyone is free, and equal. However that is false. This is because in a free society, everyone has different skill sets and talents. And those who are more gifted, ascend to the top of the social ladder, while those who are less gifted gravitate towards the bottom. Thus eliminating the instrumentality of equality. However this is counteract able. In order to do this, though, one would need to restrict the learning capabilities of some, if not all. Either by standardizing schooling or, more drastically, placing laws on the amount or kind of education that is given. All of this resulting in the loss of Freedom.

    Now, you may have seen that as unnecessary, and maybe that is so, but I felt it important to distinguish between the two. Also, I apologize if you see a biased opinion in that, for you may have noticed which one I prefer. Please let me know what I should change, add, or omit from that little spiel.

    My Point of View
    Personally, I prefer Freedom. I feel that allowing citizens to be independent of each other increases productivity and promotes individual thinking. This can lead to greater diversity of ideas and can help advance the individuals nation as a whole. I feel it's superior because if everyone has grown up in the same conditions of each other and have all been taught the same ideologies and dogmas, then they will not be as able to branch out and expand because they have been restricted their entire lives.

    Also, I feel that if people are restricted their entire lives, then they will be more likely to revolt or act out against their local government, which can ultimately lead to the downfall of their society.

    Your Turn
    I have said all that I will for now. Go ahead and challenge my opinions, and I will give you my response. In fact, not only do I want you to post your opinions, but I want you to challenge those of others, and defend you own.

    And look, this is not classroom or any kind of mediation. I'm not going to tell you to play nice. BUT. Regardless of what others say, you must treat them and their ideas with respect.

    Keep in mind...
    • When posting, speak with intelligence and distinguish yourself.
    • Feel free to challenge the ideas of others, go ahead and be extremely critical, be the devils advocate, but be respectful.
    • Remember to regard other peoples opinions with understanding, if you disagree, it's ok. Thats why we're doing this.
    • Look at the other side of the debate every once in a while. Looking at both sides helps you understand why the other people say what they say.
    I know I may have repeated myself there, but its all important.

    I have nothing left to say. Now go and debate.
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    This reminds me of a story I once read, I forget the name but it had something about a handicapper general in it. And since I'm more of a gifted type of person, I'd choose freedom. And besides, limiting schooling would do nothing for our world.
    #2 Security, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  3. Purpl3Kill

    Purpl3Kill Ancient
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  4. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Education or no education. If your "genetically superior" youll get to the top. IE. (My life has been a long wrestle with the school district, no joke) After being cut off from school access because I got kicked out of too many (For harming teachers TRAINED to handle aggressive students. And the students themselves, and the equipment, and the free time toys, yeah you get the idea. *Oh, and kissing girls me being the one kissing them, but no harming.* I don't do this anymore F.Y.I) Anyway, I got too sit around and THINK in a rocking chair for two years. well, and play video games, and surf the internet reading forums. (I was like 7, don't judge me.) Apparently that combination churns out high IQ egotistical children who often outwit their own teachers and ace tests they don't even know the subject for. I would sit down in a classroom of "mentally challenged students" and surpass them by miles. When sat down in a regular classroom most of the schoolboard thought I would churn out average grades. I kid you not the first day of school, I walk into the classroom and get a b- on a test which I not only didn't study for, but hadn't thought about the subject for over a year. Thus proving that no matter what you do people will never be truly equal wether you limit their education or not. Or at least not without some sort of incarnation of thought police that publicy execute humans exhibiting advanced intelligence then the majority of their peers. But this in itself would be hypocrisy on the grounds that the thought police would be above normal citizens in both power and knowledge of the world around them meaning that things wouldn't be equal. Just let the system work the same way it has since day one of humanity and leadership. Smart people control the masses and the masses blindly follow until another smart person herds them away.
    #4 Sheogorath, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  5. xBradx

    xBradx Ancient
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    @Sheograth, depending on at what time in your school life this occurred where you just walked it and got good grades, you could just be average, or slightly above average because most school exams are quite easy.(Or maybe we're both above average, because I never crack a book and get a's..I'm not sure.) But anyways, when did all of that occur?
  6. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
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    You yanks are so free you dont even know what freedom is.

    Equality is not about handicapping the gifted, it is about insuring everybody gets an equal chance.Some will succeed, some will fail, but only on thier own merits. This is called a meritocracy.

    The opposite is a class or caste system, like Britain or India - where your success is largely determined by the class you are born into. A genius born into the lowest caste in India will be forever doomed to the lowest and most menial jobs.

    The election of Barack Obama showed that, in the US the gifted can succeed no matter the circumstances of thier birth. You should be proud of that.
  7. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Thats not important, and it WAS ridiculously easy. The point being though that most of the other students were STRUGGLING with it. I mean barley getting c's. Its like with math too. There are people who are trying their absolute hardest and getting c pluses. Besides, my point was that no matter how even you level the playing feild your going too end up with people who do well and don't do well and until we learn how to make people smarter wiser etc artificially theres just no real way to change that. Also to answer your question, 6th grade but the thing thats really amazing is the radical change in intelligence occuring in a two year span. I went from bumbling mentally retarded just about crazy showthrowing maniac to kid who surpasses everyone else in his grade with no studying. (Though when everyone matures in high school I expect the competition to heat up a bit, unless I magically mature further as well setting the gap back to its default.)
    #7 Sheogorath, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  8. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Freedom, but since i am catholic, equilaty cause people are still getting treated like crap because of their skin color or if they are mentally challenged or they are stupid etc. Last here is my answer. BOTH!

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    If it is the absolute of each, I'm going with equality. Complete freedom will lead to anarchy.
  10. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
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    School is the most artificial time in your life, where success is measured by marks on paper. I sucked at school, but I am doing very well as an adult. Success is where you can get by and even prosper doing something you enjoy.

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