290. Quote me on it. Halo 3 is almost done All Jak and Daxter games (1-3) Spyro 1 and 2 (cant remember names) CTR crash team racing Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (i miss my god Chao) Pokemon Blue, Silver, Emerald, Diamond Need for Speed Underground 2 Tales of Symphonia (#1 RPG evar) Tales of Vesperia and my fav: Super Smash Bros Melee. Mario and Falco FTW. Looking back, i've probably wasted about 6 months of time on games.
oh no, theres wayyy more than that. You can get like 600 different ones out of the lottery. Theres the crapoload of hidden ones to get. and the many you can get when doing single player.
assasins creed cod3 cod4 oblivion a ton load of gba and ds games note: all the xbl games there are on my other account before i had xbl i dont think i have done 100% since i got xbl
I have never 100%ed a game. I hate doing all the small bits and I really don't care about gamerscore, I mean seriously do you expect anyone to look at your gamercard?
Halo 3 Pre new achievements call of duty 2 Banjo-Kazooie Banjo- Tooie Pokemon Blue Megaman Battle Network 1-6 Megaman Zero 1-4 All the Super Smash brothers uhh...thats all that comes to mind atm. Im sure theres way more.