Hey guys i wanted to see if anyone thought this might be a good idea, idk if anyone remembers the sp map Cable Room from h2. It was where you had to cut the cables with your sword in the heretic base. It was also a mp map for h2 mods by Pyroman. But im going to attempt a remake on sandbox with 4 new bases around this center structure so what do you think good idea or bad idea.
The room in the video on this page? I think it would be quite a good map, a multiplayer version makes me think of Desolation or Foundation. Its a hexagonal platform so 4 bases would be a bit awkward to layout and keep it as a balanced map. I wouldn't make extra rooms for bases, I think you could keep most of the map as it is but add a bit more cover around the teams' base areas.
maybe bases under it, Like under neath the upper catwalk. Thats actually not something I would try to remake though, because it'll be hard to get the feel of connection between the two...
ah you play halo 2 vista? maybe we could play this week. whats your GT? OT: i think its an ok idea if it is done right. maybe expand it into a 3-level structure, with progressively smaller diameters. then you could have instead of hexagonal a octagonal design so you can have 4 bases. the cabels should be drop pods or something that hold a power weapon, but instead there should be 4 cables obviously. and it is not a SP "map". it is more like a chapter.
well making it a multi level map would be more like the last level on delta halo, you know the control room. which is a good h2 mod map as well i think i'll do a larger lower level with a base and larger upper catwalk with 2 half bases and add new lifts to get up top that way the walkways arn't the only way to the second story catwalk. just to clear this up here is some images This is pyroman's map from Memisis and Halomods