Foundry Sour Cream-my infection map if any are interested

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Griphphin, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. Griphphin

    Griphphin Ancient
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    After putting it off for far too long, I got off my lazy duff, went to the couch, got back on my lazy duff, and finished first foray into the fortress of forge, entitled
    Sour Cream

    -A foreword for those wondering why it is named so- The way I see it, everyone is trying to find a name for their map that will set it apart from all of the rest, making a veritable sea of names in the spectrum of trying to sound cool, great, or eyecatching. I see nothing wrong with that, but I take a different approach to things if I can, and make them notice the 'cow among bulls' if I can, so there you have it. Now, on to the map!

    Sour Cream is an infection style map that spans the general area that the griffball court and MLG style maps do.
    The humans spawn in an open area just outside the base where various weapons of limited ammunition are found. They are sealed off inside their base and will try to survive as the zombies rush in from every general direction. Shield doors+mancannons accompony any entrance that teh humans might exit to 1)keep them inside, and 2)keep them from camping a specific entrance for oncoming zombies.
    They are encouraged to stay in here for the best chance of survival, because I've gone to great lengths to try and keep some magical corner from being able to funnel zombies through just one direction. Basically, if you try to camp outside the spawn area, survival is not likely.

    The zombie spawns are shield doored to prevent camping in the event that the humans escape the base. There are 3 spawn areas, and each points the zombie in the direction of a unique path (though all are accesable from any of the spawn areas):
    The middle path takes the zombies to 3 possible routes in; a front door, a teleporter, and the roof.
    The front door mancannons you in and gives you quite a few corridors to search out your prey. If you find a human camping in a spot, you can maneuver to a different point to attack from in the base.
    The teleporter takes you smack dab in the middle of the human starting spawns, so be ready for a fight when you go in. I've placed it in a corner that is hardert han most to camp and makes the person camping it vulnerable to other areas of attack. Expect to be gunned down if you try this route too many times.
    The platform that takes you to the roof is vulnerable to human fire for a short time, but once you are on the roof, you are perfectly safe to get the drop on the humans below. It pays to be sneaky up here. A stealthy zombie can swoop down on the human spawn area if they're not watching it and convert at least 2 or 3 before being brought down. If you find you're always being discovered, you may want to try the invis path.
    The invis path is most easily accesable from the left zombie spawn area, and features two rather fast spawning invisibilities. I've yet to do through testing with this map, so I don't know yet rather these respawn too fast or not. From there, you can sneak over in broad daylight to the human spawns through the mancannon, but you'll sacrifice some of your stealth with the sound and may be discovered before you can bring anyone down. One could always go through the front door or on the roof, but you have to be quick before your invis runs out and your found out.
    A plus-sign of wall corners is placed to provide cover from the fence walls humans can still shoot through, giving any foolhardy zombie the shot a going through themancannon on a suicide run.
    Depending on your gametype, OV path can be a safe path to the far end of the base, or the powerup that will guarantee you at least 3 or 4 kills before your shield is drained. A secondary path to the roof is here, in case the humans are keeping a rather sharp eye through the fence walls on any zombie heading topside.
    If dropping down and sneaking to your prey is your cup of tea, you'll never go detected on enemy radar through mancannon use or jumping like the other paths into the base. Tight corners and close encounters are abundunt in this maze-like area as you're lurking for your human of choice or keeping a sharp eye and a quick trigger finger for any zombies that might be around.

    The Base
    A front door that is shielded and mancannoned to prevent exit here. Any zombies that go through will be detectable both audibly- through the sound the mancannon makes- and visually- through your radar depending on gametype. Watch for humans camping the sides here, and get the drop on the from the second floor if they are.
    The path to the human spawns is laden with corridors and holes to keep you coming from where the humans don't expect you to. Just remember that they'll be watching the hotspots and you'll be fine.
    A view of the back entrance to the base (from OV path). You can see the front door from here, and there are some good ambush spots for zombies that can get to the second floor from here or the roof.

    Some things can't be explained through words, so I beg of you- go download my map!
    The link-Sour Cream
    #1 Griphphin, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  2. Liukang121

    Liukang121 Ancient
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    lololololol no pics=FAIL!!! No joking, but you do need pictures, everything else seems to be good. If you spend this much time writing about it, the map should be pretty good.
  3. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    looks mucho nicioso! I really love your using of interlocking, looks very clean, probably won't DL tho =/ I has too many infection maps... I'll give it a 4/5 keep the maps coming...
    #3 Arvas, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  4. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    *reads rules*
    Oh, look. Must have embedded pictures. Imagine that.
  5. Griphphin

    Griphphin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    New to Forgehub, I thought he was talking about me not having links =/

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