Retribution by: Pandaman771 and victrick827 Description: It is a map composed of two bases. One base is a pyramid and the other is a sphinx with a MISTER CHIEF face. The bases are connected by a long bridge. Plays with Team slayer, Multi-flag and Neutral bomb. Weapons: 1x rockets 2x snipers 4x plasma grenades 2x gravity hammers 2x brute shots 2x maulers 2x bubble shields overview 1: Overview 2: Inside of Pyramid overview: 1st level of Pyramid: 2nd level of Pyramid: Bottom level of Sphinx: Top level of Sphinx: MISTER CHIEF: link: : Halo 3 File Details
I really like the sphinx, this looks great for multi-flag. I''l do a forge-through tomorrow and give you some more feedback.
Haha. Nice Mr. Cheif face! Well, what can I say? This map is pretty sweet- I mean, a floating pyramid and a floating Mister Cheif Sphinx? Very nice and original! I say feature this!!! 5/5! Now all you have to do is make a ODS Steve Sphinx! Haha!
cool, the master chief drawing face, thats a pretty cool idea, but the snipers seems like it would dominate and there is too many close range weapons to camp in the base with. Add some medium ranged weapons, put the sniper, like in the middle and a shottie at 1/2 of the way to the middle on each side with 90 sec respawn and no extra clips
Ha finally someone who knows how to post here. This looks pretty good, but not the best I've seen. You could use some interlocking.
wow the sphinx looks awesome! the pyramid is also very cool but just doesnt look as coll as the sphink i like how you used wood for the face makes it look more appealing and adds greatly to the asthetics.
This map looks great. I love the Mister Chief Sphinx and the pyramid. It's well constructed. I also agree that you should put the sniper in the middle and a shotgun half way, but other than that: 5/5: Asthetics 4/5: Gameplay
Firstly, I would like to say that the following criticisms are not 100% necessary, as your map looked like it would be very fun to play on, so don't feel forced into making changes. The map, especially inside the bases, doesn't really flow. What I mean by this is that you constantly have to jump to move around, which makes fights less fun. Secondly, this is a very linear map, as most people will only take one route to the enemy base. I am aware that there are small differences in possible routes, but because of the above flowing issue, not many would take the time to use them. Also, there are quite a lot of dead ends in there, which discourages exploring the map. Thirdly, the sniper is in completely the wrong place. I know this sounds boring, but think about it, where is the sniper on any of Bungie's maps? Is it in its best position? No, it is near the ground. You should move it downstairs in the bases, or, if you don't want to, give it no extra clips. Also, change the respawn to 120. I think the other power weapons are sort of balanced, however, the rockets should have at least 90 second respawn. I have 2 SMALL problems with the G hammers: They are too near to a bubble shield (promoting camping) and it has too low a respawn rate. Normally it would be fine, but because there are two, that means that you'll always have them everywhere unless you make its respawn 150 or higher. Keep them in though, it gives people the fear of being hit over the edge, and shotguns are too powerful. To sum up: move sniper, increase rocket respawn, increase g hammer respawn, move bubble shield, add extra pathways for choice and fluidity. That is a lot to take in, so, on to the good stuff: I really really like the sphinx. Really. And that there are multiple entrances to the pyramid (believe me, most people would have just had one entrance). Also, the tube corners are nice, as are the flat blocks in the holes for hiding. The G hammer placement is good, some interesting aesthetics as well. Overall, if you fix the above, I would give it a solid 3.5/5. If you add extra fluid pathways in version 2 (interlocking would help), I would up this to at least a 4/5. I haven't actually played a game on it, but it looks like a lot of fun. Good Job, god that sphinx is awesome.
Thanks for all of the feedback guys! We're going to start V2 in a couple of days, and we wanted to avoid running into the object limit again so I was wondering if you guys could help me decide where we could get rid of some objects. Should we make the pyramid 1 or 2 levels shorter? Should we make the sphinx one or two wedges shorter? Where do you guys think we should minimize? (this is mainly for the sake of placing more spawn points as well as maybe placing some BRs or Carbines on the map)
Do you understand how to avoid the object limit (i.e. did you use a blank canvas)? If you don't know what I'm talking about PM me. Otherwise, you could delete the blocks keeping the large ramps up in the pyramid, and maybe make it one floor shorter (same size as sphinx).