Sandbox, Forge, and Crooked Objects **Please Read** You get home, fire up Halo 3 and forge your first Sandbox map. After several hours of intense forging, you save your game, quit, and come back to it the next day. You notice your map is not how you remembered it. We both know your a perfectionist and you would never allow any pieces to sit crooked, uh uh, no way! So you start over, and you run into the same problem. As many of you know, Sandbox has serious problems when it comes to forging, particularly objects becoming crooked. This is something you'll notice after you have saved your work, quit the game, and reloaded your project. This typically happens when using walls, blocks, and various other objects. I'm not entirely sure to why this happens, but it's likely a bug in the game which can hopefully be patched. I took some time researching this issue throughout the Bungie and Forgehub forums with the intention of finding a cure to this extremely irritating problem. No cure, just various threads with people perplexed by the problem with a plea for help, and others proclaiming they don't have the problem at all. My goal is to create enough publicity with this thread to grasp Bungie's attention in hopes to get some official feedback on this issue. I feel left in the dark, unsure if this will ever be fixed. I love forging, as you may too, so lets get some answers! Please feel free to post your thoughts and feelings. **Official Thread** Sincerely, Spades of SiN
It may have to do with the disk or Xbox. The disk maybe scratched or something like that. It may just be a bug that Bungie will fix in the future. You just have to wait for now. Do all that you can on the map, and fix it up later.
I'm not sure if it has something to do with the disk since it's all downloaded content, but then again I could be wrong. My disk is in pristine condition for the record. Anyway, thanks for the response.
Yes, this problem is very annoying. The only true way to beat this is to use objects that aren't harshly affected by this. It seems that walls are affected the most by this glitch. Most of the other object have little to no slant/crookedness. Try using these objects. If this happens to all of your objects, then you problem lies past the norm.
I guess this is very unfortunate for me... It seems to happen with virtually every object in forge. *Sighs*
One way i saw my friend fix this is to put a teleporter on sotp of the object then save, quit, and come back. This takes a while becasue you have to do theis with most scenery objects, but it worked for him.
One question: I have not yet experienced this problem, but I have not done a lot of forging on here. Is it only affected if it is touching the ground/ sky bubble?
Well, it happens everywhere, but it may not be as noticable when floating because you have nothing to compare it to.
sandbox problems I had the same problems with sandbox. I thought it would be a forgers paradise not nightmare. the boxes have no flat side so there are tons of bumps. If your problem is your objects merge with other ones then all you have to do is unplug your internet cord. (I read this on a post). It is appaently a lag issue. I also had the problem where you make the canvas with all original objects on it. those objects are very hard to interlock they randomly appear and disappear. It made me restart my map. anyone else have this problem?
I've never had anything misalign when I placed it. I would notice too since my maps area mostly puzzles and if something was out of place, it would screw it up.
Things like this only happen when I have a friend in the party while I am forging. They say that an objecy is crooked, when I am sure it is straight. WHen I start a new round, it fixes on their screen. Anyone know what i mean?
Well, you're on to something. Let me tell you what I believe to be the problem, and a possible solution. Many times when forging online, specifically with a partner, one player is indescribably rewarded host. Host allows the game to be run, connecting yourself with other players. Now, when ever something goes down in Forge, what ever the host interprets is the actual product. Players who aren't may see a mislead item, or crooked scenery. Now, one specific way to prevent this is Forging alone, the obvious example. Though, I believe I have an even better one used by some of our senior Forgehub members. To do so, all you need to do is change the party's connection to Local. Yes, that's it. I'm not entirely sure if this irradiates the Sandbox glitch, for I haven't decided to try it yet, though I shall tomorrow. For even better results, I may even suggest Forging offline. I believe this operation to work, and I urge anyone to try this if they're experiencing this irrating bug.
A topic before the marketplace launch where a bungie employee commented and includes screen shot examples - There have been topics about it here as well. Local or Offline DOES NOT WORK. 8 step UNACCEPTABLE workaround