Sandbox True Fear.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sunny Bunny 88, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. Sunny Bunny 88

    Sunny Bunny 88 Ancient
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    Extended most of the bases, and added a bit more cover in the middle
    Update# 2
    Added considerably more cover in the middle of the map, because a lot of people asked for it. There is much more cover when moving around the middle now

    Halo 3 infection has never been a game about "survival" or "stealth". It has always been a form of kill the zombie quickly and then camp in an impenetrable base with your buddies.

    I aim to change that.

    True Fear.

    So how does one create a map and map that can combine stealth, and survival without enabling the player to run out of his base guns blazing with a proud smile and triumphant music playing out of his headphones?

    The answer is the following.

    Number one, the most important thing.
    The player must be weaker than the zombie. The player must fear the zombie. The player must feel that his only hope is to stay concealed in the shadows, and hide.(previously impossible in halo 3)

    Number two is that there must be reasons to stay in the bases, cover, and shadows. Why would a player cower behind walls of a base when there is just as much safety anywhere else? If the zombie is 10 times more powerful than him, then why would he just wait to die in a base? Why not charge the enemy and have a fraction of a chance of killing him? Darkness. That is the answer to this question. In such a bright and colorful game, this has never been an object in the players minds, but with True Fear, it will be their sole focus. The darkness gives players a reason to stay inside, or behind cover. Why face a foe you cannot see?

    Number 3. Give both teams equal odds of survival. The bases are easy enough to defend with a team of 2 or more friends, but there are more than 1 entrance to them.

    Number 4, make hiding possible if it is the only way to survive. Previously, if a player tried to hise behind cover, a zombie would plainly see his shiny blue helmet popping out from on top. Not anymore. Shadows are the players best friend.

    Now do not expect anything incredible when viewing the next 6 or so pictures, they are not the final product. i just lightened up the room so you could see clearly what the layout of the map was.

    Where the zombies will spawn, outside of the crypt, where they will drop into the darkness

    One of the several bases that players will seek cover in

    Another hideout

    Bungalo hideout


    View of a quadrant of the map. As you can see other means of cover than bases are common, because you all have obviously can figure out that a half dozen bases will leave zombies with a pretty easy search and destroy mission. Players can hide almost anywhere

    Edited :
    Added a hiding spot under the stairs
    Extended the bungalo hiding spot
    Another extension
    Extended Hall
    I also added more random cover around empty spaces to provide more places to hide while on the run.

    So you guys have seen the layout. You all think that its not as great as i made it sound, I'm just some kid who had a nice way with words but made a mediocre map. Hell, it's not even darker than any other map. What was he talking about?

    Im not done.

    Add a nice mix of filters into the game and we have :

    The Final product, the dark, gloomy, murky crypt that halo 3 has been crying for since launch.

    The deepest corners of the map become completely wreathed in shadow, allowing players to stay hidden unless a zombie is within 15 feet of them

    Your only chance of survival, look for the swords

    Now i know I might of come across as confident, even pompous, but this is the first of many variations of this map. i am widely open to suggestion, as more work was put in to making the map work, and finding the perfect atmosphere than actually taking time to think of incredible base designs etc.

    This is an idea ladies and gentlemen. Look not at the fabric of the product before your eyes, look at what it tried to accomplish. It is a idea, a plant. water it and it will grow, flourish, and become divine.

    Simple version: My map r leet help me make it better plox lolz

    True Fear

    True Hunters

    Please include a rating on 5 when you comment, and then give a rating on 5 of what it would be if i implemented whatever you suggest.
    #1 Sunny Bunny 88, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  2. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    To be honest, this is a great idea. Implimented well. My only problem is that the hiding spots in the middle are obviously not going to be the ones you're running to in the beginning of every round. Personally, I wish there was more hiding spots, and I KNOW that there is a combination of filters that you could use to make it darker. Well, maybe. The sand is probably darker then the middle though. So if you could, could you try building it in the sand?
  3. Sunny Bunny 88

    Sunny Bunny 88 Ancient
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    #3 Sunny Bunny 88, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  4. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    I knew it was in the crypt. I maybe didn't word that right... Sorry. And what I'm saying is, the outer ends are REALLY dark, but the middle is bright. The middle wouldn't be too much of an ideal hiding place. I would want that to be fixed.

    EDIT: To forging in the sand, why don't you block out the towers?
  5. Darkness Seeping

    Senior Member

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    no, he ment make another on the middle ground, not the crypt
  6. Sunny Bunny 88

    Sunny Bunny 88 Ancient
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    Hmm.. i see what you mean. Ill look into it.

    The thing is zombies will be dropping in to the middle from 200 feet above, so the middle wont really be an ideal hiding place regardless.

    Ill see what i can do.

    Thanks :]
  7. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    wow... you pinned it right on me. I was thinking ... " wow this map sucks he just has a good story" when you pulled a fast one. looks like a good map. i like things like this that are new fresh ideas. not same old swat like infection...4.7/5
  8. Dred Rogue

    Dred Rogue Ancient
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    I see what your attempting to do. It's a nice idea. But, I do agree, this map needs to be more complex and have more places to hide. If you can fix it up, I will try it.
  9. Sunny Bunny 88

    Sunny Bunny 88 Ancient
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    Just clearing up here, there are more hiding places on the map than i showed in the pics
  10. Sunny Bunny 88

    Sunny Bunny 88 Ancient
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    Alright i edited it guys. moar hiding spots now
  11. Dred Rogue

    Dred Rogue Ancient
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    i downloaded, i'll get back to you in an hour or so
  12. mercilesstheif

    mercilesstheif Ancient
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    you might have addded more hiding spots but it is still really open. maybe you should add even more?
  13. Sunny Bunny 88

    Sunny Bunny 88 Ancient
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    The thing is that i'm afraid the map will become too crouded, and there wont be much places to move around, which will be frustrating given the maps very dark disposition. Ill add in as much cover as i possibly can around the middle, with random debris and crevices, but i dont think adding in a whole new base would be a good idea.

  14. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    I really dont like the map. Its just plain out not fun.
  15. Sunny Bunny 88

    Sunny Bunny 88 Ancient
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    i don't really care if some 12 year old is gunna come on here and tell me that my map is bad. You have absolutely no useful suggestions or ideas, you just critiqued in one sentence and decided that was enough. I highly doubt you actually downloaded it, and if you did i imagine you trying to play snipers on it with your friend and then dismissing it as bad. I really cant stand people like you. It's not because you dislike my map, it's because you do so without telling my why or things i could change. I hope your post is deleted.
    #15 Sunny Bunny 88, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  16. sgtNACHO

    sgtNACHO Ancient
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    I did download your game, and although I didn't actually play a full game on it, I didn't like your layout.
    There was definitely not enough cover, and most of the cover could easily be seen by any person who can read this text.
    I made my own version of your map, by adding more cover.

    Your idea was there, but if you ever had to play as humans on your map you'd never want to play, because your lacking in cover or escape routes.
  17. Packnight501

    Packnight501 Ancient
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    despite what everyone else is saying, I think it looks like it would be really fun with a big group. I'm downloading it. The only suggestion I could make by the screenshots is maybe to make it even darker if possible, it would be harder to see but it would add to the stealth gameplay. idk, maybe it is dark enough already, I'll try it 2day.

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