Three new shots. Not my best, but I think they're okay. Let me know what you think. Heated Black Hole Blizzard
It's really simple. I put Gloomy on Avalanche and had someone shoot me in the back with a Rocket. If you back up far enough, that's how it looks.
I dunno.... Black Hole just looks like a massive fart. Heated is kinda cool, but it's waaayyy too obvious how it was done. I actually like Blizzard, I just wish you couldn't see the guy with the rockets in the distance. Also, if your Spartan was reloading his SMGs, I think it would have looked better.
Good screenie's! I like all of them, excelent ideas and excelent exicution of them. :happy: I like the last one with the snow the most. If you don't mind me asking... how do you do that effect?
They are all very simple but look fantastic. I like heat the most because the pistol gos great with the background an your character. But I also feel that you should retake blizzard without the person or going back into theater and moving the camera to a different angle. Black hole I have seen countless amounts of time but it is still good.
thanx for sharin i also love to make screenshots nd i kinda noticed ur like Godly at makin them...u should post a guide on how to do most of ur effects the community would realy apreciate =)
Nice Screenshots!! Black Hole and Blizzard are my favorite screenshots. Keep taking cool pictures!!!!!!