Just a few newer action shots i took the other day. None of these are in my FileShare at the moment, but please check out the ones i DO have in my fileshare. You might find a few you like (download and rate if you can). I havent named these yet so i just numbered them. Enjoy. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) (definately not a serious screenshot, just for kicks) Hope you guys like them, let me know what you think. Click the link to my FileShare above to take a look at what else ive made. Thanks.
i absolutely looove 2,6,8, and 9. the lighting effects are awesome and the weapons are very fitting. the only thing i would change is take out the sniper and replace with BR. everybody uses snipers for screenshots; its been old since the day halo 3 came out. BR looks just as good for screenshots, and it is seldom used. other than that i say 4.75/5. if the snipers were BR it would be 5/5 WOOOHOOO FIRST POST!!! dave the rave almost beat me!
Thanks. I only used sniper because its my favorite weapon.. I have a few with BR, i guess if people want variety, i'll change things up in the future.
5 is the best in my opinion. the lighting on the spartan is simply fantastic, and there are no obnoxious and useless effects.
ah, but originality and difficulty are not always most important. look at number 5. do you see the superb lighting? the magnificent angle of the shot? The [ran out of adjectives] framing? that makes a very good shot. and the background doesnt hurt either.
#5 and #6 are pretty sick as well as #9. Nice work dawg. Where is the bright green Spartan with purple background? [The close up] I kinda thought that one was original and pretty sweet.
Yea, 5 and 6 keep getting better and better. I do not know which one is better or which one I would put in the fileshare...Who knows...Maybe both.
Sweet screenshots!! They look amazing with the red glowing background. One question. How did you make them?
Those are quite nice sigs. I like the sprinkle effect of fire on the 2 and 3rd sig I believe. That is pretty cool, although I believe it didn't take much to make that effect, probably just a grenade explosion. I like screenshots in which people use the color green such as the ninth one in this thread. I think that its pretty cool, I really don't care what other people think about it. You know what I would like to see? A nice screenshot involving plasma pistols. Any way nice job