Its A late Night... At the Strip Crypt (NOTE: THis map is meant only for slayer and for fun!) The Strip Crypt is the hot spot for Halo 3 Players (if you can get in...) The Bouncer at the front door Inside the Strip Crypt you will find: A fully stocked bar, a comfy back room, lots of dancers, and lots of poles. The Strip Crypt at First Glance The Bar is always full of the good stuff, but it aint cheap "Another Night at the Bar" "Cheers!" The Strip Crypt has some of the best dancers in the world... "Oh Yeah!" "Work It!" "Double Trouble" If you're willin to pay you can head to the Back Room for a private dance "Its worth every penny" If you're looking for some action you can go out to the parking lot and "pick-up" some girls "Very Nice, How Much?" So if you're looking for a good time Download the Strip Crypt Today! Download: : Halo 3 File Details ___________________________________________________ Credits: Made by: johnlmonkey, Drewesfish588 In these Pics: johnlmonkey, Drewesfish588, Scorcher714, THE BATTLE PONY THANK YOU!
It's a good idea, in fact I'm making one right now, and have been since I got Sandbox on March 3rd. I do have a complaint however. The map looks a bit sloppy, maybe you could make a V2 with it cleaner, and hide the lights. I see what you want, but they don't look good showing, because they have no texture other than light. (hey look for my "Pole Dance" picture in the screenshot discussion place, I think you'd like it, it's similar to what you have. No link, ads are bad)
Thanks for the feedback, The map is actually pretty clean but it seems that maps that have lights dont take pics very well (we made the lights show on purpose sow theyd look like disco balls)
LOLZ This map is original. How did you get the pole? Is that from the flag pole or something? Anyway, this is a very interesting map, it would be pretty cool if this could have been implemented into a competitive map somehow, but still I think that the way you have it set up being a casual map is fine. Nice job
Not bad... but it deserves at least one giggity in the description come on now. i agree with kronos001 in that you should make a v2 and make it a little less sloppy but it looks like a good map and i imagine that you had fun making it. good job!
hahaha this makes me lol. i like the aesthetic touch using a more sexual theme, first time ive ever seen that in halo. just make sure that everything (or at least the most noticeable) are straight for more beauty to the map. but still i like the idea
Great idea, I downloaded and checked it out, and it was pretty sloppy... Still, it would be funny as hell for machinimas XD Improvements: The couch in the lapdance room is pretty big, try to make it smaller Merge so objects don't overlap each other There was also a bunch of random stuff outside, I reccomend cleaning it up a bit Also, do you mind if I steal this idea of a club? I plan on starting from scratch, and not making a remake of your map, just a different club.
"Work It!" A picture says a thousand words sir. A thousand. Really this is well thought out. Improvements are in order, but you have obviously planned this out quite well. Also, I think the red light is a bit strong, maybe you should make it a bit more subtle by adding a blue light somwhere else? It's a thought.
Thanks so much fr the feedback. When we made this map we wanted to make it seem as much like a rave club as possible so we made sure the lights were strong. And yes this idea is open to anyone who wants to give it a shot....maybe we should use this for machinimas....
haha great idea! the sixth pic made me laugh, especially with all the "mood lighting". Realy creative idea for tin cups. giggity.