COMPOUND 25 Somewhere, in a laboratory inexplicably named Compound 25... A bioweapon is being created...turning ordinary humans into ZOMBIES! Fortunately, the zombies are being safely stored in a containment unit... Wait, what's that red light for? The zombies can't break out, right? Better go check...just to make sure... Yes! It's another Infection map! Why, you may ask, would anyone want to curse us with another infection map? It's quite simple! Because I had an idea! A level that would lock down, changing the gameplay-but only after a certain event. The two lab rooms, A and B, will lock down when the zombie breaks out. Stand in front of the yellow scanner to open the door. It'll take a few seconds, so be prepared to fend off zombies before you run inside to the safety of the lab. But maybe you're a busy person. You can't be bothered to go around, opening doors all over the place! And certainly not in the middle of a horrible zombie disaster! Fear not! There are many places you may choose to spend your few remaining minutes, free of any bothersome doors! First, there is the aforementioned alarm room, where you start. There is only one entrance and one exit, but your only defenses are two magnums. Second, there is the garage. Here you may find two Warthogs. There is nowhere to drive them, but the turrets can provide some needed firepower. Finally, there is the supply room. There are various items with which to barricade yourself in with, and a few grenades to stave off the zombies. Unfortunately, it is somewhat far away from the starting alarm room, so you may find yourself ambushed before getting to it. And a final overview of the map: There are a few weapons scattered around the map, including 3 plasma rifles, 3 magnums, 2 shotguns, a mauler, and an assault rifle. In the suggested gametype, Alpha zombies have 75% gravity, 200% damage resistance, no shields, enhanced radar, and energy swords. Normal zombies have 100% gravity, 75% speed, 100% damage resistance, no shields, enhanced radar, and plasma pistols. Humans have no radar, start with plasma pistols, and otherwise have unchanged stats. THE MAP and THE GAMETYPE
im a fan of infection maps, and about that i thank you for making an original one. but with the map the layout is good, but i think making things straight would make the map more beautiful. the better the forging the better the straightness, the better the straightness the more beauty, and the more beauty the more dls. thats just a tip i give for those with maps that arent straight (not that its bad lol)