My new screenshot If you want to download add me as a friend and look in my file share and download. You can delete me if you want. tell me what you think about it. here is to download/copy If you want to download add me as a friend and look in my file share and download. You can delete me if you want.
I agree with DC Killa, I can't even see the BR! You way overdid this effect, and the tiny image doesn't do it too much justice either.
i just resized it for you. I see the BR and this is interesting. now the top right area takes away from the shot. If you could get that whiter, it would be easier to see the BR but its not hard to see it at all.
^ don't you mean top right.... anyway it looks kind of messy and the effect is pretty overused. And well try to be creative and not jsut take a picture of a weapon with effects on.
I'd have to disagree. In my opinion, the top right area takes away from the screenshot. It is a busy area that distracts from the focal, the Battle Rifle. I'm agreeing with a few others as well on the level of effects added to the shot. You overdid it slightly, maybe try it again, and get more of an outline of the BR, and not so much background. Overall: 2.5/5
i have a picture of a sniper rifle it might be better. more white if thats what you mean, heres the link it might be a little better to you
This picture isn't that bad. I saw this when a friend of mine showed it to me. I don't know if you mean't to not have a scope on it because in your descripition it say "download if all you need is the br". Since a scope can be disputed to be an add on to a weapon or apart of it. A sniper rifle for example. Overall I think it's a pretty good picture. I like the swiggley lines going down in the background and the colors of the battle rifle. I'd give it a 8.5-9/10 I'll check out the sniper rifle too.
Wow, I actually saw the BR pretty quick. And if I'm not mistaken, is that a Hyabusa helmet? Effect is a little overdone, as stated, pink isn't quite my color and thats a lot of pink...
yea, the handle isnt really all there but it is a super super hard picture to get a lot of detail into it. My picture's title is "Battle Rifle" so i would hope that it would give the person an idea that it is a BR
What the ****. Guys stop necroposting. READ THE RULES. You cant just dig up a 3 month old thread to bump it up. after 2 weeks, noone cares. After 2 weeks of no posts, its considered a necropost/ necrobump to do it. Ive been seeing this nonstop here.