Hey, I know this screen shot doesn't seem all that great, but it was the first one I actually tried at making. Tell me what you think, please?
woo 1st post! i absolutely love the screenshot. the lighting is amazing, and its impossible to not love the sillhouette. 5/5
Sorry man but I'm really gonna have to disagree with Spartan here. To my eyes this is just a big yellow blob with a vague outline of a spartan. It could just be because I'm not a big fan of the whole super effects thing but hey. Maybe you should try some using more natural lighting or just some minor effects.
lol OT: You can't really tell that it is the silhouette of a spartan. I just see a bunch of yellow and white and something that looks barely like the outline of a spartan.
I do not think I have seen anything like that before, and I know for sure I will not be able to guess how you got those effects and lighting. Nice job man, I would like to see more of these from you, perhaps different colors or different color combinations.
Yeah, this was my first intentional screenshot, so I know it isn't that great. I'll post some more after I get some good ones.
I've made one just like this, it's the new Kill Ball/Juicy effect. I like it, but I still find trouble seeing the Spartan; it kinda feels like cloud watching. But I still think it is artistic and not to bad so I'll give it 7/10.
really? i can see it perfectly. i can even tel its an AR. and (correct me if im mistaken) he is wearing hayabusa. am i right?
looks like a damn Klingon with a thought bubble coming off of his head! Lol... The first thing I actually thought was that it looks like some abstract painting of a naked lady, with a tail... eeew! Not bad of a pic though, once you know what you're looking at...
You can make this effect with just about anything so it is not very original at all. For a first it is fine. This is where I started off.
The central figure is my character wearing Hayabusa and wielding an assault rifle... I'll make a diagram.
AHHH!!!!] I can barely see the spartan. Isn't the point of the screenshot to see the Spartan? Sorry man 2/5.