LosT: The Sun goes down and the Darkness Falls, Theres no where run... by CaptnAwesomee Notes: -Sorry The Pictures came out dark when uploading them =/ -My First Forge Hub Map! *Edit*Check out this sweet gameplay! YouTube - Halo 3: Zombies LosT Maps I make Halo 2-Zombies-inspired: They will be free-roam map, which means spawn points are neutral and there is no main area to camp at. As in Halo 2, players should be able to make use of the entire map, and use their surroundings as a key to survival. my goal is to bring back the old zombie feeling you once had in Halo 2 into Halo 3: “OMFG ZOMZ!” Description: UNSC uncovered Forerunner artifacts in the sand, what they didn’t know was that it was supposed to be hidden for a reason…. Ten years have pasted after the excavation, ONI sent a scout group to find out what happened ten years ago. The Group is trapped in the darkness, uncovering the dark secrets that happened ten years ago…. Darkness… The Humans Starting respawn point. The Town... This Town is stocked with weapons but be careful the ammo is low. Small out post, it may look empty but is loaded with full clips of ammo broke down house, a spooky house in the darkness Military PowerPlant, if you find this hidden post watch your back because darkness is all around you but you will be granted Heavy Weapons, Wait long enough till the PowerPlant powers up the lights. If you survive long enough, watch the Power Plant light up the Military outpost, but be warned Zombies will discover its hidden location by light. Download Map Download Gametype
This looks very interesting but its hard to tell because the pics are small. i dont know if you did or not but try using haloscreenshots.net its really helpful. but from what i can see it looks kinda open maybe you cna put houses or appartments to fill up the empty space
Holy crap! This is awesome, I've tried making a map like this but given up loads of times because I'm not in the mood of forging - Thank you very much!
Looks good. What would be cool is if you put regens and flares around the map as portable lighting sources. It would be nice if you could go to the very top of the skybubble in a custom game so we can see the total layout. Don't do it in forge though. Nobody likes grids. You could also add vehicles, preferrably mongooses, as transportation vehicles, a prowler would work good also because it can hold four people. This looks like a good map. Though you could have some geomerging on he huts and outer houses in the dunes to male them look buried under sand. When you post a v2 pm me, I'll dl. 4/5 great
wow dude everything you just said are on the map... maybe you should download the map and looK? P.S how do you get thread rateings?
very nice, I love how spooky the houses look and them map it self. The gametype works perfect with the game! Goodjob with the spooky yet fun game play, Me and my buddys enjoyed playing this! 5/5 look forward in you next map. Word by word "The Spookyest game i've played yet!"
I like the idea, but after the first round everyones instinct is to grab a Warthog and run. Its ok, but it turns into a drive for your life game.
looks awesome! but i would take out all the vehicles because like Xtremegamer1996 said people would probly just drive in a big lap 9/10 atm
i just had a look at this map in forge and i see u blocked off the laser things so u can play out of the map i would have never of thought of that i didnt even no u could do it. 10/10!!! edit: can i use the map for the blocked of lasers. plz
Turkey, Yeah I'll post it up later =D, well the point is that the warthog will be pretty easy to kill in the dark, it all depends on how you play the map
Quote: edit: can i use the map for the blocked of lasers. plz I uploaded and posted on Forge Hub also on my fileshare Prep/No Lasers =)
Well, At the time it was like.. 11:30 and I wasn't on my F**ing xbox, if you could have added a weapon list so your post wasn't so sh*tty, I might have know that stuff was there.. Take the time to think before you reply.
Looks like another dark map thanks to the filters in sandbox. I love the ideas behind some of the buildings, and it seems very creepy, which is what makes some of these maps fun. I love free-roam infection games, because it's much more loose and fun, rather than just camping in a building or behind something for a long time, and waiting to die.
Maybe Take the time to download the map before thinking before infering things about a map, Theres no need to Post a Weapon list for an Infection its not required, Its More legit for MLG or Slayer,Objective, ect. Also Swearing on the forums really is that necessary? but anyways KilerG I totaly agree with about camping, its fine but not too much