this map was based off of ascension. it is really different but has some key features like where the banshee is placed and both building are the same layout as the ascension building. It is a totally symetrical map. both sides (blue)and(red) are identical. I cant figure out how to add pics... the only thing i changed from this pic is the tubes on the back of the building. i covered up the gap. this is the what each building looks like underneath underneath
This post is not up to forgehub standards. You have most of the rules followed in this post, except you don't have pictures embedded. I will tell you how to do this rather then posting a link. There are two different ways you can embed your pictures. First you can save the pictures on to your computer from and open up your browser to Once there, create an account. Then upload your pictures. Then copy the IMG code which is the fourth box under the picture from your album and paste it in your thread. The other way you can embedd your pictures is bygoing to and seareching your gamertag. Then all your recent screenshots should pop up. Just copy and past the link and there you go. I personally like doing it the long way because I like adding cool effects to the pictures, then upload them to photobucket, so that the post is more appealing. But if your not really into that kind of stuff just take the easy route. Fix your post and I will be glad to check out your map.
This is the 4th or 5th ascension remake I have seen today. Is yours an acurate remake? It does not seem like it based on the pictures.
he posted this in the remake contest, where it doesn't belong.... sorry to bump this but i dont want to spam the submission thread, please mod delete his post in the submission thread... its not a remake, its inspired by ascension....
yeah man, you even said yourself that this is "inspired by ascension." Take it off the remake contest.