Sandbox Entrapment

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Nat Riehl, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. Nat Riehl

    Nat Riehl Ancient
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    Hey, this is my first map post on Forge Hub... so don't expect it to be good.

    Anyway, this is a VERY small rectangular shaped Neutral Bomb Map, although it's fine for Team Slayer too as long as you have higher gravity.

    There are no weapons, but I will supply you with the recommended game type.

    Here are the screen shots:

    Fullview -


    Blue -


    Red -


    Note: I did not use any interlocking at all, I do not use interlocking in any of my maps. If you do indeed see some interlocking or geo-merging in any of my maps, it will be a rare sight indeed.

    If it sucks, go ahead and say it, but it was my only Non-Infection Map that I thought I should post. Haha...

    Here is the map: Download
    And here is the game type I said I would give you guys: Download
    #1 Nat Riehl, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  2. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i can't see anything take of those effects cause you can't see crap. So take of the effects. 2/5 because i can see anything

    EDIT: yay first post!
  3. Nat Riehl

    Nat Riehl Ancient
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    Dude, you must have some retarded vision, because I can see perfectly. XD

    Don't worry, I'll make a cleaner and better V2 soon if someone will help me with it.
  4. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    You can't give him a 2/5 just because he took the screenshots with effects on, sure, you can suggest for him to re-take the shots but don't rate it until you know what the map is about.

    Okay, this map is extremely small as said in the description, but maybe its abit too small, if you know what i mean. for example when the bomb blows up because the map is so small it will probably end up killing almost everyone. Try making just abit bigger, please?
    EDIT: I've just realised youve only made the walls one storey, which means people can easily escape your map through the use of grenade jumping. I suggest making the walsl atleast 2 soreys high.
    #4 T4K Shadow, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  5. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    yea im with spartin2000 i play lots of good maps that have so many effects in them that i cant see anything and it maks me hate the map. to many effects make good maps bad
  6. Nat Riehl

    Nat Riehl Ancient
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    I will in V2, anyway... it's got the proper times [fuse time, spawn time, plant time, defuse time]... which I thought fixed that, oh well... anyone want to help me with a V2?

    EDIT: Yes, I know... my V2 will only have Juicy and Gloomy rather than Juicy and Pen & Ink. I've tried both and you can definitely see better with Juicy and Gloomy.
  7. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    your maps 1 of the easyer ones to see i see some that had just about everything in it its sad because the maps r good but because thay have so much effects in them people dont like them at all
  8. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Um... You kind of need a dl link... And one for the gametype too.

    Why do we hhave to play with high gravity? So we dont escape? If so, you could have made the walls higher, its not like this map was too budget or OLN intensive.

    Is that a killball in the middle? Why four teleporters on such a tiny map? Why on earth would you use pen & ink when the effect is so blinding?

    It looks like this was a ten minute map, to be honest. I doubt you will get more than a few downloads.
  9. Nat Riehl

    Nat Riehl Ancient
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    Look, I'm not a pro forger, I can't spend 10 hours on a map, it would drive me crazy.

    I actually spent about an hour to be honest, I didn't even exactly know what I was doing... I screwed around and made a rectangle out of double blocks and decided to make an arena type map... anyway, the teleporters are for a quick change battle, you could be about to die, and then you could escape to the opposite site for another chance at killing the opponent. Oh.. and I have a download link, check the bottom of my post.
  10. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Ok, now you do, but it wasn't there before.
  11. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
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    Not to be harsh.

    Here is my list of peeves

    -Walls (too small)
    -Interlocking (yes I know what you said)
    -The whole thing is just too small
  12. Dragon Ninja

    Dragon Ninja Ancient
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    I'm sorry but I would never play this map.
    It is WAY too small to support any gameplay.
    You can walk from one side to the other in like 5 seconds.
  13. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    hey! i don't have retarded vision its because of those stupid effects but at least your making a v2 or you could make a version of the map without the effects cause some people might say exactly what i did.

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