Half-Cab v3 Fusing two distinct styles of gameplay, Half-Cab creates an experience unique to its brand of exhilarating, arcade-style action. Defenders The VIP team (defenders) must taxi their VIP to the destinations on their mongeese, but there's a problem: the VIP only has enough money for three minutes of travel. Oh, and there's also an elite team of snipers attempting to keep him from reaching these important destinations, and they will do anything in their power to slow him down until time runs out. Only the driver of the VIP can be killed; everyone else is invulnerable. This is made possible by the VIP Proximity Traits, which affect any drivers within 10 meters of the VIP. One of the best aspects of Half-Cab is the elaborate decoy system that the VIP team can set up to confuse the snipers. To name a few of the multitude of strategies they can employ, they can run different patterns, switch the VIP's driver when behind cover, or even drive their mongeese straight into the sniper box to distract their fire. There are four bubble shields spread throughout the map for the VIP team to use to create cover to assist in their recovery of the VIP. The bubble shields have a 30 second respawn time. New: The 3 bubble shields inside the main-area of the map are inside Custom Powerups. These allow the non-VIP's to pick up bubble shields. This makes the bubble shields a much larger part in Half-Cab, and it is a good strategy for one of the non-VIP's to always be carrying a bubble shield so he can use it as soon as the VIP's driver is killed. Attackers The non-VIP team (attackers) are trapped inside a double box, they cannot escape from it, but they can shoot through it. They must snipe the driver of the VIP (2 body shots or 1 head shot) and anyone attempting to pick up the VIP once they enter his influential radius in order to slow down the VIP team and keep them from scoring points. (NOTE: VIP Destinations are the only way to score points. Each team has 2 rounds as the VIP team.)The snipers have one other weapon at their disposal: a missile pod. Use it carefully! It only has 8 shots. Don't waste them. It is a good strategy to wait to fire until you are sure that you a firing at the VIP's mongoose, otherwise, the missiles will be wasted. New: A second missile pod spawns half-way through each round, at 1:30 (90 seconds). It allows the snipers a second chance to rain fiery explosive death upon the VIP. Watch out! It only has 8 shots. The Gametype Changes: - The Custom Powerup allowed the VIP 150% speed, which ruined the game. This has been changed as of 4/12/09 7:21 PM PST. If you have an earlier version, please update it. Even teams: 8+ players recommended Single VIP Enabled 4 rounds - 3 minute time limit. Score to Win: 50 Goal Arrival Points 1, everything else 0 Goals: Enabled - Move on Arrival - Movement Order Random Respawn Time: 5 seconds VIP:- invulnerable - immune to head shots - 0% damage - primary weapon magnum - weapon pickup enabled (for bubble shields only) - 50% speed - vehicle use: passenger only - good camo - way point visible to allies VIP Proximity:- influence radius 10 meters - 100% damage resistance - normal shields - shield recharge rate 90% - not immune to head shots - 125% speed - nothing else changed VIP Team:- invulnerable - immune to headshots - 0% damage - primary weapon magnum - weapon pickup disabled - 200% speed - 150% gravity - vehicle use: full Custom Powerup:- duration 5 seconds - run time minimum 3/3 (instant respawn) - weapon pickup enabled Sniper Team:- invulnerable (no suicides with missile pod) - 100% damage - primary weapon sniper rifle - infinite ammo - weapon pickup enabled (for the missile pod) - vehicle use none The Map An overview of the map. Note: A teleporter takes the VIP team from the VIP Spawn to the Mongoose Spawn. An overview of the map from above the cliff. An overview from above the sniper base. ...from the eyes of a sniper. An overview from the right of the sniper base. A close-up of the cave. The Sniper Base. Notice the sniper barrels poking out of it... ...That is the sniper team. They are trapped inside the double box, but can still shoot out of it. This is what it looks like from the inside of the double box. The first missile pod spawns at start and doesn't respawn. The VIP Spawn. The teleporter takes them... ...to the Mongoose Spawn. The receiver node is located directly under the bubble shield, making it so that the VIP automatically picks it up. New: The VIP team spawn is set up this way to ease initial confusion when one spawns, smooth the flow of the spawn area by changing the horizontal movement and setup of Half-Cab v2 to a forward setup, and allow the VIP to pick up to bubble shield without having waste the time walking to it or skip it all together. The VIP team is ready to go within the first 5 seconds of the game. The VIP Watch out! Although the VIP is invulnerable, when sniped, he can sometimes give away which mongoose he's on. No Spartans were harmed in the making of this screen shot. That is because the VIP makes a great meat-shield when being driven away from the snipers. This often times keeps the snipers from realizing the VIP is on that mongoose. Remember than anyone near the VIP can be killed, which can be used to make the snipers believe they killed the real driver, but they actually didn't. The VIP, though invisible most of the time, can easily seen by the snipers when on an ice lake. If the VIP's driver is killed, the rest of his team must attempt to recover him. When this happens, the snipers must attempt to snipe anyone attempting to pick up their VIP when they get withing 10 meters of him. They slow down from 200% speed to 125% speed, allowing the snipers to kill them more easily... ...which can turn a few dead drivers into many dead drivers. It's too bad they never thought of using a bubble shield. Links Map: Half-Cab v3 Gametype: Taxi Me
Screen Shots Cont... The Bubble Shield Non-VIP's can pick up bubble shields when they are in the Custom Powerups, any bubble shields except the one at the mongoose spawn. It is usually a good strategy to have one of the drivers be carrying a bubble shield and following the VIP's mongoose so that he can deploy it as soon as the VIP's driver is killed. It's usually better for him to actually be driving a mongoose. That way he can pick up the VIP without wasting a second of time. It is a good strategy to have multiple mongeese go into the bubble shield, confusing the snipers as to which one is actually carrying the VIP. Bubble shields aren't the only way to employ this strateg. It can be equally effective when the VIP is recovered from behind cover. It's usually best to actually be in the cover though, which takes us to our next topic: The Missile Pod There are two missile pods. The second spawns halfway through each round at 1:30 (90 seconds). Use the missile pods wisely though, they only have 8 shots each, and when they hit a non-VIP, they have no effect and are wasted. But when they do hit the VIP's mongoose, they usually kill the driver... ...who starts to magically glow because of the missile pod's awesome force. Other Tactics One of the best strategies is to have multiple mongeese on the VIP team drive through the destination at the same time, keeping to snipers (and especially the missile pod guy) from discovering which mongoose drove the VIP through the Destination. Another tactic, called the "Drive N' Dive," is to have to VIP get off of his mongoose when it passes through a destination. The snipers will follow that mongoose and become confused when the driver doesn't die, while another mongoose goes and picks up the VIP. This, However, is also an incredible risky maneuver. If the snipers realize the trick, or happen to see the mongoose stop to pick up the VIP, it is the same as if they had killed the driver in the first place. A less risky strategy is to switch the VIP's driver while behind cover, doing away with any knowledge the snipers have as to who the driver is. A less effective tactic is to drive into the VIP's mongoose, flipping it. Strategies Not Pictured:- throwing bubble shields onto the Sniper Base, blocking their shots. NOT RECOMMENDED!!! If anyone knows of any strategies not listed, tell me, and I will edit them into the post.________________________________________________ Special thanks to Timeless161 (original stuff), DeathToll77 (cleanliness), Spartan7173 (destinations and cover), and AZN FTW (respawns and cover) for helping make this map what it is, as well as everyone who gave suggestions and tested. Links Map: Half-Cab v3 Gametype: Taxi Me
This actually looks really cool, its like a guantlet. Im going to download and give a more detailed description after i test it with some buddies =) 4.5/5
Much better than the last two versions of the map. The addition of the Bubble shield and the addition cover makes the map play much better than before. I think you made the right choice in putting up tactics and strategy's in the post because most people don't know how to effectively get the VIP to each destination... XP
This is a truely incredible mini game. I have no clue how you made it (the settings and what-not) but it looks like oodles of fun! I don't have much feedback, except maybe like a bridge or something to spice it up. If there was a destination on the bridge, and the driver fell and flipped, it would be the perfect chance to kill! MUHAHAHA! good job!
This looks like the greatest thing since Tremors' and Mice on Avalanche. It looks incredibly fun, with tons of strategies for the VIP team. It also looks like it is fun for both teams, which is a rarity in many infection or VIP games. Although I was a little confused at first of what the objective was, after I figured it out I had a moment where I just went: "Oh my god". Great job on this map. I'm definitely downloading (although I may not get enough people to play it), and PRAYING that this is played on every TGIF party this Friday.
I remember testing this with you a little while ago. Great work. I think all of the improvements are awesome, especially the cover. The fuel rod gun was awesome too, although when I played I spent half the time just screwing around trying to hit random people instead of playing the game, lol. Great work, nice improvements, 5/5
Jebus! This looks awesomely awesome, mate! The most original idea in a mini-game that I have seen so far. DLing now. 5/5.
Master Debayter You mean the addition of the custom powerups to the bubble shields right? A very good addition indeed. I like all of the strategy this game comes with. Kion FH You see, one day the idea just popped into my head, and then I was able to actually make the idea work in-game, and once that happens, it has the potential to be great! After countless hours of slowly feeding the game new ideas, some of which it spat back into my face, this child of mine finally matured into a beautiful minigame. About the bridge thing, that is an evil idea. AItius The fact that it is fun for both teams is one of the best parts of the game. coolaid55 You should have seen the fuel rod gun when AZN FTW got a hold of it. He was insane! We didn't even need any snipers. He just bombarded the VIP with fuel rods and his team couldn't get close.
OMG!!! this is where it was from!!!! i looked all over the internet and i found it on accedent! i was playing with my friend and we were in a game with his friend that had left so we only knew each other it was like 4 in the morning and we played this game (v1 though) and so It was sooo much fun! but the bad thing is that i feel asleep and couldnt download it i loved the game and we played for like 2 hours and then. i woke up the next day (i hope lol) and my x box auto shut off i didnt know the game name and my friend didnt have it eather cause he left early i made 12 friends that day and the love of my life (in games) and i found it again new and improoved i have to download! 10/10
redeyesmaster Wow. Well then, that's uh... good that you found it. Not many people can search for a game that fervently. The v1 has its own sort of quaint charm in its simplicity, its old-style fun. But every addition in the v3 improves the game in some aspect, and you should find that it is much better. I would suggest playing it ideally with a party of 10-12 players, but anything more than 8 works well enough. SVV33T SAUC3 Thanks for the comliments. It would be nice if more people [COUGH]The Colors[/COUGH] thought so.
This is amazing. The idea for the map is great. The map is also really well made. I downloaded this and the gameplay is phenominal. This really deserves to get featured. I really love everything about this map; aesthetics, gameplay, everything. Good job.
Great concept, great job overall. I wish to play this game but all my friends moved onto MW2. Anyone who wants to play this with me. please message me so I can make room in my friends list. 9.99/10 because nothing is ever perfect. GT x7 im on fire 7
From the pictures, this seems to be a snipe-em-up kind of map which in this case is very cool! The coolest thing is the sniper spawn, I have never seen anything like that before. I didnt know that ir you are in a box that you can still shoot out of it. I might have to add that to an infection game I am making. The maps itself looks really well put together and it seems the gameplay is fine to. So nice job and I am hoping for a V4 possibly.
Necroposts. Please don't rate my game before you play it, and please don't judge it from only the pictures. I spent a lot of time writing the post, not just taking the screenshots.
Very Neat neatly made, lots of screenshots so you can get a good overview of the map. Only question i have is how do you get the snipers to shoot through the box? Either Way, Perfect 10
Necropost. It's just a trait of the double boxes on Avalanche. If you're inside one, it's walls become invisible barriers that you can shoot through, bust cannot pass any solid objects (like people, mongooses, weapons, or equipment) through. Thanks anyway. I do still consider this to be my best creation.