This is a map that i made a while ago and i decided to post it on this forums. Its an infection map on orbital. Story The Malta was destroyed in an attack on earth in halo 2. It was rebuilt to help defend the earth from orbit. Now the flood hopping to invade voi attacked the ship and destroyed most of it. You are some of the survivors of the attack and you are stuck in an area trying to kill the flood. You start off at the bottom of the hole in orbital. After 45 sec a piece of debris will appear in front of you and you can jump on it and go to the story right above you. once you get there you can jump over a pipe into a room with more weapons in it. In that room is a hole in the corner with cones around it. Dont fall in it until after 150 sec, when a platform will spawn beneath it that you can walk on. jump onto it and into the teleporter which will lead you to space. In space is were you hold your last stand. Dont go off the platform in space or you will die. This is were the humans start off and try to survive for 45 seconds This is were the flood spawns This is in the hole area and the flood use it to jump onto the platform were the humans are But after 45 sec the box spawns The humans jump on the box and jump onto this platform which is right above were you start off Then right next to you is a pipe that you jump over and into a room with weapons in it and the hole. Down the hole there should be nothing until after 150 sec when this platform spawns. This is the platform and you can jump on the floating debris in order to jump into the teleporter. The teleporter It leads to the platform in space which is were you will try and survive for the remainder of the time. The two supply crates are were the teleporters lead to, so it decreases camping because you have to watch both. Action Pics: Version 2 Basically in version 2 a fixed a few bugs and i decided to change the end and got rid of the machine gun turret, and replaced it with a teleporter that led here: This is also outside of orbital, and this is your last stand That is the sentinal beam and the last weapon you can get. When you get to the end you can either stay there and fight with the flamethrower or go through the teleporter and fight there. But just in case the end is to dominant i made there be a 5 minute time limit so the couldnt stay there to long. So it is important to download the gametype too. Weapons: At start: x1 Shotgun never respawn 2 clip x2 BR 2nd Area: x1 Sniper never respawn, 2 clip x1 Splazer never respawn x2 Mauler 180 sec, 1 clip Space: x1 Flamethrower never respawn x1 Sentinal Beam Version 1: Download Map Version 2: Download Version 2 Download Gametype
Wow, this map seems really ingenious, I love your use of the maps geometry (like the pit etc). I like the way that you made it so the humans have an increasing chance of survival put still have that risk of getting infected. Also you are one of the first people to use Orbitals space area, can I just ask how you actually get out there? I'll download this map but I'm not sure if I will ever get a big enough party to make a decent game. If I do I'll report back to you and edit this post! Nice map, I look forward to seeing more from you. PS: Thanks for the tip on getting out and on how to delete my other post.
to delete your post press edit on it and delete. And thanks on the comment. In order to get out i actually found it out myself, whether or not other people know about it i dont know, but you just do the turret trick on a certian area of glass in the middle and you have to hold a teleporter up and someone has to go through and build stuff.
This is the 2nd map I've seen on Orbital that you can play. This looks a lot better than the other one I saw and it uses the outside of the map even better. 5/5 nice map Do you have a gametype for this map
yes i do it is the download gametype which is under download map lol But it is different from normal infection and is best played with that gametype
Thanks for all of the good feedback guys give me any suggestions if you have them and make sure when you download the map you download the gametype or else it wont be fun and you can get out of the map
wow. i searched orbital and came up with this. i really didnt expect to find an infection map and not only that you use the pit, and outside of orbital. The only problem i think could be is the end if you have 2 ppl then you would destroy in space, because you have machine gun turret and flamethrower. And did you use that out of orbital map to make that area? 4.5/5 keep on making maps man.
Looks like an okay map. One thing that I noticed is that it looks like it is really hard for the zombies to kill the humans. You might want to think about giving the zombies cover instead of just a flat surface to walk/jump on.
Actually when we tested it out in space after a few times the flood would be able to get to the people and kill them. No i didnt use the out of orbital but i did see that map and check it out after i uploaded this. and it doesnt have the area that i have. Out of all the times i tested it it was the opposite. it was almost to easy for the zombies to kill the humans but about 3 to 4 humans would make it to the second area and 1 or 2 might make it to space
hm thats the second orbital map ive seen today that might actually be fun to play. ill have to download it and get back to you, but one thing i can say is that its probably way to little room for humans
Alright i made a version 2 to my map, i fixed some bugs and added a last area to fight to make it more interesting, leave me feedback if you like version 1 or 2 more
okay i was actually going to post somethings about the map after i played it but it became dead and i didnt want to necro-post. 1. when i played the original map there were some bugs with the supply case boxes. 2. The machine gun turret was a tad over powering But about the v2, i really like the idea of adding a new area, but is it timed map event or right once you go through to outer space you can go to the other area? Ill have to try out the v2 later and get back to u, but id say (since its on orbital) 4.5/5
I fixed both of those problems in v2, i deleted the machine gun turret. And its not a timed map event when u get to the first area in space u can stay there and fight for a bit then go through or go through at the beggining
Looks VERY cool. I haven't played on a map where you can use space on orbital, so this looks very exciting, also the game looks like it could be fun if I ever had about 10 people in a party to play with. Great Job! 5/5.