I have a challenge to all of you, so called, Master Forgers! It's a twist on the whole idea of forging... and I want to see who can handle it! This is for Sandbox so if you dont have it yet, sorry. You must make a map using only -- Column Red Column Blue Red Light Blue Light 1 object of your choosing Basically make a map using only one object and a few others to mark bases... ALSO all/any weapons are fair game... It is assumed that you may use multiple of any item... for example... you MAY have 2 red lights... i do not mean only one of that object... Post a link to your finished map here and I will pick my favorite, and the winner will get a friend request, from me! -- I know it's a crappy gift, but I figured I'd give you a prize... mainly I just want to see what people come up with! GET TO WORK!
I take it you can place multiple objects of the 1 object you chose too? This sounds like a really good idea. I'll get to it. Does it matter where on the map it is? Do we get extra points for using an unusual object (e.g. not using walls or double blocks)? Can we place vehicles?
yes you may use as many of the object as you wish... ex. 10 Tube Y Intersections No, It does not matter where on the map Possibly... If you build an ENTIRE map out of Columns kudos! It might earn you browny points! Yes, Vehicle, Objects, and Weapons are in unlimited supply...
It does sound very challenging, but I dont think a lot of people will enter it, without a good gift, maybe give them a 1 month free card or something.
I think plenty of people will post... to "prove themselves" but I do agree in the sence of my reward sucks....
well you've got 2 people best of luck to your challenge, hopefully some people might see threw the crapy reward. lol
indeed, hopefully they will, i myself got the idea when I started making a map and over 90% of the map was one item...
oh well it does seem like one hell of a challenge, and will defietly change the way the map will be made, im actually curious to see the layouts, and the weird different structures that will be made, good luck to all the contestence
are we allowed to use wepon holers aside from our one other object(for asthenic use ie. putting wepons on walls
Sounds pretty good. Too bad I'm already working on a project myself. What's the ending date? Maybe I'll enter anyway.
This seems pretty cool, I'm gonna give it a go. Edit: Is there any specific type of map it has to be? Like Competitive, Minigame, etc or does anything go?
I'm going to reply to most of you at once... Weapon Holders = Yes Specific Map Type = No Ending Date = Not set yet
Seems like a good idea, but if i win i don't want the prize. Can i use the colored pillars to make floors?
This a cool idea for a contest, kudos. I am interested in seeing what colorful maps will be created. However, I am working on other things and will not do this. Good luck to all.
Tip to all, use the crypt, to allow more walls and floor, resulting in more item quantity remaining. I could re-phrase that.. Anyway, you guys'll understand.
let me just say real quick, you may use columns as floors... doesnt matter to me, and i dont care if you want the prize lol... i just wanted to see what people made... thanx to all of you entering too, thanx alot guys!