Few are left who know the ture meaning behind the giant red skull even fewer who know about the blue skull CTF N.BOMB CONQUEST RED SKULL SIDE BLUE SKULL SIDE OVERVIEW 1 OVERVIEW 2 DOWNLOAD THE RED SKULL The Red Skull is a symmetrical map set up for objective games.This map is designed,and does,play like a smaller version of default sandbox most of the weapons are still there with a few additions.The platform in front of the mouth is roughly the same height as the s.box bases and there are numerous ways in and out of the courtyards below. Inside the mouth{s} is the flag spawn points and the return is on the top of the tongue{see pics} I HAVE LEFT A FEW OF THE MK I PICS IN SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE MK II WEAPONS,VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT The weapon layout is symmetrical in each base there are - MONGOOSE 1 on the side of the base WARTHOG - near the edge of the base FIREBOMB - in front of the mouth BATTLE RIFLE x2 - Leaning against the flat block in each base PLASMA G x2 -next to the B rifles MAGNUM x 2 against the internal wall next to the mongoose BRUTE SHOT -opposite the magnums inside base BUBBLE SHIELD- next to the red column next to the warthog TRIP MINE - other side of the same red column REGEN- inside the shielded starting areas POWERDRAIN - behind the higher slit wall Outside the bases behind the double walls there is SHOTGUN - 1 clip 90 sec behind the walls ROCKET LAUNCHER - 2 rockets 120 sec opposite the shotgun Along the centre line there is SPIKE G. - either side between the blocks FLAMETHROWER - right in the middle GRAV LIFT - next to the flamethrower Outside the bases are the most used respawn points as with the default sandbox layout they are behind the large corner blocks to the side of the skulls and there are more in and around the bases. The starting points are directly underneath the skulls behind the shield doors for all gametypes,mainly for the visual impact of the giant skull staring down at you! CHANGES Changes- The repawn cover has bee replaced with merged tube section thanks to Furry Each base now has a single mongoose Part of the jawbone has been removed but you can't tell Columns and archways have been added There are 6 movable columns in the center area I am so pleased with this map Mk I got 170 downloads in like a day and a half and the additions make play even more like default sandbox which was the ides in the first place The movable columns are great they change as the game goes,e.g.the more you use the hogs the more space you to use them The flamethrower can be picked up from both sides of the center piece and the slots make great anti camping holes TRS is now set up for all gametypes but N.bomb ctf and conquest are still recomended I have played 2v2 on this map 7v7 and almost everything in between and it plays extremely well fast frantic varied and crazy,try it and see I think you will agree The gameplay is great this is the FINAL VERSION of this map but there are 2 asymm maps inspired by this on the way I also think that TRS could be turned into a griffball court but I don't like griffball not one bit Once again I would just like to thank everyone that helped test Speacil thanks to Predicide and Furry MORE PICS new respawn cover movable cover new arch/bridge area Torch them campers!! Warning falling blocks Thanks to everyone who helped test enjoy! ACTION PICS{more on page 3 flying flaming warthogs!!} inside the mouth
Wow. I like the combination of aesthetics and gameplay. My only question is if it plays like a smaller version of Sandbox than why does it need additional weapons?
WOOOWWW.. This map has awesome asthetics, the interlocking map the perfect shapes for the skuls, and the idea of placing flag spawn points in the mouths is awesome. I also like how you put the light orbs in the eyes 5/5
Smaller in the sense that there is less long range combat and there are only 2 rifles per team Also lots of the action takes place in front of the bases which is quite tight
I love the aesthetics of this map. Seemingly flawless interlocking, pretty nice layout. My only complaint is it gets a little bland in the middle as opposed to the bases. Still, pretty nice. Definite download from me.
I would definitely recommend this map for a feature. The ascetics are some of the best I've seen since the Ire of Fire. The gameplay is fairly good, offering good team and FFA gametype support. But the ascetics trump all. I have never seen anybody try the 'face-off' idea. From me, you get a golf clap
The aesthetics in this map are amazing. The layout looks like it supports good gameplay. You've got my download.
Giant skulls are expensive and I didn't want to glitch the map and I also wanted space to get a decent bit of speed out of the hogs Also the floor in the mouths,fangs and jawbones took a lot of pieces to get right Not to mention cover for the respawn points
haha omg this is amazing. this is one of the coolest things ive seen on sandbox yet. I absolutley love the aesthetics but the gameplay seems marginal. 4.5/5 overall good job dude
Amazing, dude. It looks like the Terminator. THIS MAP WILL GOVERN CALIFORNIA ONE DAY!!!!!! But yeah, I really dig this. Great job keeping the basic idea of default Sandbox, while giving it some truly memorable bases. I must play this with you some day if we ever cross paths on the ol' xbox.
That is sick! I love the asthetics, and the gameplay looks sweet! I am amazed!!! I love the skull idea. For a cool logo, you could take a laser up to both eyes and use that shot of both the skulls from the side. Then you could edit the laser from the blue side bluish using photoshop or something. Good map, keep 'em coming!
I didn't even consider FFA but maybe I will and I nearly called it face off! Its not try 3v3 flag Anytime Pred! Its funny you should mention terminator stay tuned!
wow, this is really good! Nice job with making a very good aesthetic map and giving it great gameplay My only concern is that the skull bases are pretty close together and I think that the vehicles will only have use by goin around the map, not through the middle, but this is still very well done 4/5
this looks so epic and i love how the skulls look down into the middle thats sick. but the middle is bleak that would be the only downside..
Wow, you forged this map perfectly. It reminds me of those dramatic musicals when their singing, but their heads are floating in the sky. I've always wanted to see a Gothic version of that where they're screaming at one another, and now i got something close. 10/10
The hogs have space to get in and around the bases as well as crossing through the middle like 8 shaped loop its works well try it making the skull look down was a massive pain in the arse but so worth it as I said before giant skulls are expensive and I wanted to put cover in the area where most of the action takes place You know I think I will do that right now thanks! Stay tuned you are going to like what's next!
Surely there must be something you can delete to add a bit more in the center? Anyway, despite that, the map is amazing. The combination of aesthetics and the actual competitive nature of the map is great. Nice job, man. 8/10.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are those skulls / skeletons not flipping me the bird? It sure looks like it. As far as the map goes, I agree with everyone else. It seems like there is something missing in the middle of the map. In my opinion, I don't think this would have good gameplay, but I will DL to try it out. 4/5