UPDATE: Here is the newest version of Silent Dawn! Here is my newest map... Silent Dawn! Of course there isn't any interlocking, but that doesn't mean it isn't good. Try it! =D Silent Dawn isn't really based on anything, it's just a straight forward Big Team Map [well, Squad Battle "6 vs 6" would be better than Big Team battle "8 vs 8"]. One base is a wall tricked out with scaffoldings and other stuff like barricades and a turret while the other base is a small but somewhat complex enclosed base with a little air port that looks like a helicopter entrance, but with a Hornet. The map is good for any game type except for V.I.P. At first glance [I mean when you see the pictures] you may think the map is too open, but that was done on purpose for the vehicles and bigger fights. Here are the screen shots followed by the download link just under the pictures: Download Link: Silent Dawn
in the future when you do screen shots take off the effects to see it better because i cant really get a good idea of what it looks like
My friends and I can see perfectly fine... although most of us do have 20/20 vision as oppose to people with worse vision. Maybe your monitor is darker than it's supposed to be, try setting your monitor back to its default settings and it should look better.
don't flame on him, though i would suggest adding more cover in the corners of the map near the walls. it looks pretty empty... 8/10. if you add cover it'd be about a good 9/10. -)
I like the concept of the map but I have to agree with kangarobeatboxr about it being empty and needing more cover. I would also say add something in the middle that is tall that you can go onto or something to break the line of sight from side to side of the map. If you need any help just message me on xbox live. My GT is Capton Furgler.
1. I don't think interlocking is even usefull in sandbox anymore, maybe once in a while but rarely will it have any point so don't worry about it. 2. I honestly don't like any FX effects unless used for screenshots or infection games. 3. Looks pretty good. will DL remove FX and test
Alright, I'm finished with V2! =D It has more cover, the same effects but with better lighting. If you liked this map at all, the V2 is a definite download.
That's exactly what I've done with V2, but I also balanced all of the spawns. The Warthogs now have a 45 second spawn for the first one, and a 90 second spawn for the second one... but, the first one isn't in the game for the first 45 seconds due to it not being spawned from the beginning.
i have terrible vision and i can see it fine this actually looks good not sure about the hornets but ill check it out i also liike how you made the bases
Thank you. I've had many compliments on the Launch Pad on how it looks... maybe I'll make an air base. Remember, if you liked this map, I think you'll like the V2 better... more protection against the Hornets and the Red Base Hornet has a better looking Launch Pad.