No, i agree... sharing would be a great way to get it out there.... infact, i had considered trying to find a way to host "Poor Carmine" so people can download that particular track for free, but I havent figured out how yet. I just have a major fear that when we finally have put all of every cent we have into finishing it, there wont be a ton of people who wanna pay for it. If i can figure it out, I will include a link to download Carmine in the OP. EDIT: DOWNLOAD POOR CARMINE
I know what TSB's talking about, and I think he's spot on. I have similar principles regarding my graphic design work, and its the only intelligent way to go about it. EDIT: putting a single out (like you have there) for DL isnt a bad idea, but albums... god no thats just idiotic I listened to them all, and I think In Search of Hope and Brokaw are my favs. I can't really put my finger on why exactly, but yeh. I'd have to listen to them again to really pinpoint what it was that attracted me to those 2 in particular, which I will. There was a time in my life where this type of music really appealed to me. I've grown out of it a bit, but I still appreciate it a lot for what it is, and I like what I hear.
Poor Carmine is definitely my favourite, I found them all enjoyable and they all had something in particular that I liked, but Poor Carmine was the only one I enjoyed all the way through. Your keyboardist still looks cool btw...
we have varied influences as a band, because we all listen to different music. my personal influences include but are not limited to: Mudvayne, Still Remains, Deftones, Korn [pre-2000], 36 Crazyfists and so on.
I've already told how I like your sound. It has screaming ( I don't like screaming personally) but it's not so prominent that I just hate it. I think your sound isn't as loud as others in your "genre" so it would be really easy to go across into mainstream if you ever got noticed. I'd say your a bit like Breaking Benjamin, but harder and more gritty. I think your lead singer actually has a voice worth listening to, opposed to all the other small bands that has a leader singer that can't sing to save his life. I'm going to download Poor Carmine, and watch for the album on iTunes.
Yo dawg we herd you like Poor Carmine so we put your Poor Carmine on your xbox so you can play xbox while listening to Poor Carmine. Thanks for this
Wow pretty awesome, I'm not one who's really into this kind of stuff, but I really enjoy the music in your songs. What do you play in the band?
11 songs, 13 tracks total with keyboard pieces counted. maybe a "hidden track". Right now, the music aspect is done. We've recorded the instrumentals to all the tracks, with the exception of keyboard on like 3 tracks. We still have vocals to do for about 4-5 tracks. Once we finish this, we're gonna have it mastered, then we gotta save up $1000 for pressing. [making it an actual cd]. After this happens, you'll all see its release on iTunes, or if you want an actual hard copy with artwork and everything, you can purchase it from our myspace. [though there will be a limited amount of copies... roughly 300-500].
It appears we might be into the same taste of music? This **** is really good! I like the synth in the background, any metalcore band that can throw in a synth is a good one. (Im assuming its metalcore ) But yes, poor carmine ftw. Did you get the idea from GOW2? lol. Do you guys have a myspace? I would really like to rep this **** :] EDIT: Found it, now reping poor carmine
wow, 75 percent of the shirts you own are black, you werent kidding. lol im glad you guys understand the importants of silence before the recorded portion ends, because usually thats when another song starts right away, which ruins the "impact" of the song when fineshed. half the songs i hear end before the music has faded away. but might i also add that where your vocalist does have a unique sound, he uses the same voice in each song. encourage him to reach out a little, and i think you guys will prosper more.
You would lol. Anyways, you know my feelings about your music, as a matter of fact you seem to have a small following here in the Boston area :0) Let me hear some new stuff soon ya bastid, I been listening to these ones for months!
Thanks again for sending me poor carmine, I'm a big fan. I've showed a couple of friends and they are just as interested. I would consider getting your stuff on itunes, i know you said you aren't popular enough but I feel you could be making some serious money. Looking forward to the first album, great songs and a great band. Its good to see your getting out there, you deserve it. Hope fully more people will recognise your brilliance and get it in stores. Sadly I'm from the UK, so seeing you in concert is improbable. Hopefully when I'm a bit older or you tour the UK there would be a chance of seeing you live. Keep it real, DRiSCOLL.