Wow...I dont know whether to feel sorry for her or just laugh. How retarded do you have to be to jump into a bear pit? Hasn't she ever seen anchorman?
I would of left her. If she craved attention so bad that she needed to jump into a polar bear exhibit then she is messed up in the head. But now the news is covering it, her story is spreading, and she is most likely getting a lot of attention.
I heard about this. I lol'd. Polar bears are the most vicious bears there are, they're also very territorial of stupid fat women. Why's her face blurred? It's not blurred in the Daily Star if anyone got that today. She looked in a lot of pain and shock when that bear bit her in the photo. She was apparently an "animal enthusiast".
Maybe a little too enthusiastic ... That's pretty messed up. I mean, what the hell was going through her head? "I wonder what would happen if I jumped into a pit of feeding polar bears ... let's find out!"
fat ***** deserved it, jks lol, but what goes through your head when you go, HAI POLARR BAIRS, WANNAH HUG??
There was a fence and hedge in her way, she as dumb as that kid that hope 2 fences and got decapitated by The Batman. I have no sympathy for her.
Well... this isn't America But yeah. How stupid do you have to be to get all your 250 pounds over a hedge and then get mauled by polar bears...