I have purpose. It was a simple question. I wanted to know who has it, and I didn't want spam. Which is what I got.
I need to know who has recon because I need someone for a machinima with recon, because that is just how the plot goes. I am not going to explain the whole machinima. I need to know a few bit of people who have recon, incase they are stuck up, don't want to help, or actually do want to help for 2-3 episodes in a series. Happy? Please don't post in the thread unless you are going to name a person with recon and is willing to help.
You can't use an alternative armour variant to Recon, which leads me to believe your machinima will about people playing Halo 3 and whining about/praying for Recon. Oh dear. First of all, making a machinina, no, making anything which you know from the start you won't have the actual materials for it, is a terrible idea. Secondly, numerous attempts have made to make films with Recon as the focal point and I have yet to see a good one. Why? Because the plot is unoriginal and takes very little thought. Please, please, please tell me you're not going to make a film about some guys who see another guy who has Recon and reenact an Internet Drama about it not being fair that the main characters don't have Recon so they start worshipping the player who does.
No, that would be gay. Not even close. And by the way, I don't have the materials. That is why I asked here. And I have not started for that sole reason. Maybe more people have it.
Guys, quit spamming this page up, grow up a little bit. He just wants to know someone with i. If you don't have it or don't know anybody that has it, don't post on this thread.
Tell them I has a disease, tell them I has a SUPER CANCER! LOL arby n the chief will never get old they are full of timeless words of wisdom.
Well now I'm ever so slightly curious. But considering the average quality of Halo 3 machinima often struggles to reach 'good', I'm not getting my hopes up. Good luck anyway, and for your next film, remember that the armour variants the characters where don't make it better, so don't try and make them a big part of the plot.