Since taking over Sig of the Week, I've rearranged it to be a fortnightly contest, in an attempt to keep it fresh. Recently, I've been questioning this decision. I've ran through a few ideas. First, of course, leave it as it is. Second to return to the old format of weekly(which, for name sake, makes more sense). My other idea is to go back to weekly SotW but then every so often have a two week long edition. The two week edition would be entitled "Sig of the Week - Showcase". SotW Showcase would last for two weeks and the winner of that would recieve additional prizes to what they would if they won a regular SotW. Prize(s) would, most likely, be choosing the theme for the next SotW and perhaps a custom title. Once again, I call upon the G&A'ers to give me their opinion on the matter: Fortnightly Weekly Showcase
I like the idea of the 'Showcase' every couple of weeks, maybe every other SotW contest or every 4 Contests or something structured like that.
lol, don't fret'. Until I can come to decision SotW will run as normal. This SotW will run as normal. Two weeks = Fortnight.
I think you should return the SOTW to the regular weekly format. Then, create a SOTM (Sig Of The Month), which would ONLY include the signatures that have won the SOTW's of that month (i.e. you have 3 SOTWs during January and then Feb 1st, you post the SOTM - January and that puts up the 3 winning sigs from january's SOTWs) which would net better prizes or whatever.
I chose showcase, but if your going to give people a custom title it should be a longer length of time between them than 4 weeks. If they just pick the theme for the next week, the it could be a shorter amount of time.