My first Sandbox map. Fairly simple. I've been wanting to make a game with tubes along the sides for a while. Hope you guys have fun. Edit: Made a final until a v2 later. The new one fixed the bump on the wood bridges. MLG Purity v1:
The map looks pretty good The only thing that i think could be taken out would be the tubes...i know you said you wanted to make a map with them, but its way to much should open it up a little bit i think that it would give off more of an MLG feel But yet i dont know because i havent played on it Overall it looks pretty kool 3.5/5
First off I'd like to say this is a great map except it is TOO open for MLG. No pointed to the person who posted before me. The tubes should stay, there is too much open for it to be considered MLG PRO, also if the map is pushed toward variants such as ctf and oddball, a nicely thrown nade and quick action from a good teammate could put the runner out of his misery. I'm just going to say this is a great map but could use some work. 3.5/5
The map looks pretty decent but I don't think that I would ever find myself using the tunnels on the side. The map might be a bit too straight forward because of the middle. Maybe make a v2 where the map is more stretched out. 3/5, keep forging
It's an alright map, more of a competitive map than an mlg map I feel. If you want this to be mlg I suggest you make a few changes. The tubes need to be opened up, you can have part of it tubes, but maybe the corner pieces can be open. You should put small edges around the outside also, they are easy to do and make a huge difference for the map. Other than that I think its decent 3/5 for mlg, 3.5/5 for competitive.
I didn't really know where to put this map in terms of MLG or Competitive. (Seeing as there are only BRs, Carbines, Rockets, Pistols, Snipes on the map, I went towards MLG.) Overall, I like it but I can't add anything else to it. (It says that there are too many things on the map.) Can someone help me out?
First nice Map, i would add this map to Competitive. I think its a little bit to open in the Middle of the Map. I also think that the tunnels dont not terms to MLG to. but i think its a really nice map u got very good ideas. 4/5.
wow, this map is nice. although 2 things. one is that you need to connect the side tunnels more than 3 places each. and the middle needs more cover. but this map is perfect nonetheless. 6/5
i like the idea with the tubes but thats the only thing that makes it not mlg. maybe take out the 2nd tube closest to the middle on all the y intersections and it would be better. over all nice layout and forging. top mid might need a bit more but it looks great! maybe a V2?
Yeah. I'll make a v2. I'll have to do the unlimited budget glitch or something. Does that also fix the item limit?
if you take out the tunnels and make the map a little bigger then no doubt it will be good ill be waiting for another version =) 8/10
i like it but a little to big for me... if i was in a costom game we usually have 4 or 5 people that looks like a 4v4 or a 5v5 map based on how big it is
looks like an awesome map, tunnels look cool, only advantage is for capture the flag, you could just run through the tunnels, and chances are you probably wont even get hit once.