Roguie, if you want to publicize modded maps go to,, or these are all sites that accept BOTH forge maps and modded maps. even though you cant post dev kit modded maps, they do show videos and pics of dev-kitted maps. just dont post here
lol, ya, people should calm down shouldn't they! its just a modded map. and the fact people are threatening me for asking a question makes me angry.
mods r pointles...if everyone started off with recon people would say its gay and if only bungie had mark v or whatever the starting armor is it would b the best armor in the game. if Valhalla had no water people would try puting water in it.
kid calm down! Its a map! Just because hes does different types of maps doesn't mean hes a bad person.
Gawd, I can't see why you people like that recon crap. It's one of the ugliest armors in the game, and everyone spazzes out over it. Turkey bag56, you are 100% right.
People stop it with the fricking arguements god people he has been told this so many times you guys. Here is all you guys can say EXAMPLE: F*** you, Get a life, GTFO NOW!, and leave and everything that is negative. you guys are dispicable when will people learn to just shut up and stop cussing at people, its just one fricking modded map it's not the end of the world you guys so just shut the hell up people! and i know i forgot periods!
you must realize that people ONLY mod because they suck like hell at forgeing. I swear i have never met a beast forger who mods. the reason people mod is because they messed up bigtime in forge mode, they got pissed and wanted their map to look good, it doesn't look good, they mod so it does look good, and all the people downloading it are dumbasses and so r u... im sure theres many people here who agree with me. Modding is fine as long as you do it verry little, but dry foundry? im sorry but this map is even an insult itself to modding. ):-(
I really like the concept, woudl make a great map to forge on. However, I won't download because Bungie hate modding, and I'm afraid I woudl face a banhammer flavoured beatdown by their admins. Don't be an ass, people. Sure, modding isn't generally "acceptable", but that doesn't mean he's deserving of some of the comments he's received.
i agree with you katana askar when will people learn oh i have an idea maybe when hell freezes over and the devil gives free sleigh rides. people have to learn to be nice to others. even though i believe in war i could be a nicer person then anybody and i am not talking about you katana askar.
yea people if he wants to make moded maps so b it. who cairs? it wont make it any beter thay a well forged map